
LinkedIn Connection Message: 20 Winning Templates to get 49% Success Rate

June 05, 202412 min read


Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
LinkedIn Connection Message

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for building your professional network, finding new opportunities, and reaching out to potential clients. But how do you write a LinkedIn connection message that gets a positive response and starts a meaningful conversation?

In this article, we will show you how to craft a compelling LinkedIn connection request that stands out from the crowd and increases your acceptance rate.

We will also share 20 winning templates that you can use for different scenarios and purposes. Whether you want to connect with someone you met at an event, someone you admire in your industry, or someone who can help you with your sales goals, we have a template for you.

good linkedin message

Plus, we will give you some tips on how to personalize your connection requests and make them more effective.

By the end of this article, you will be able to write a LinkedIn connection message that gets you noticed and connected.

Understanding the LinkedIn Connection Request

A LinkedIn connection request is your ticket to making a new professional association on the platform. It represents your first interaction with someone you aim to connect with, offering you a chance to demonstrate your value and express your interest.

To craft an effective LinkedIn connection message, ensure it includes:

  • A clear and specific reason for wanting to connect. Detail how this connection could be mutually beneficial.
  • A personalized and friendly tone. Mention something you both share, whether it's a common interest or professional achievement, and don't forget to use their name!
  • A compelling call to action. Encourage them to accept your connection request, engage with your message, or explore your profile or website further.

Conversely, a poorly crafted LinkedIn connection request can detract from your professional image, appearing spam-like, overly generic, or irrelevant. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • Not specifying a reason for connecting. A blank or default message suggests a lack of effort and personalization.
  • An impersonal tone. Reliance on templates or mass messaging without customization can imply disinterest in your recipient as an individual.
  • Lack of a clear call to action. An ambiguous or missing objective may signal a vague purpose behind the connection request.

The Science Behind a 49% Success Rate

To enhance your LinkedIn connection message's acceptance rate, consider this: The average rate stands at 21%, but with strategic approach, you can elevate this to 49% or more.

The average rate stands at 21%

Key insights from their study include:

  • Opt for an attention-grabbing subject line. Make the first impression count with something curious, flattering, or directly relevant to your shared interests or connections.
  • Keep your message concise. A message length of 40 to 300 characters is ideal, highlighting the importance of brevity to maintain engagement.
  • Conclude with an engaging question. Show your genuine interest by asking about their ventures, goals, or experiences. A question not only fosters dialogue but also demonstrates your eagerness to learn more about them.

By adhering to these strategies and employing the provided templates, you're well on your way to drafting LinkedIn connection messages that not only capture attention but also foster meaningful professional relationships.

Maximizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Connection Success

Before you send any LinkedIn connection message, you need to ensure that your profile is optimized for connection success. Your profile serves as your online resume, your personal brand, and your first impression.

It should showcase your skills, achievements, and personality in a way that attracts and impresses potential connections.

Here are some steps you can take to optimize your LinkedIn profile:

Before You Message: Optimize Your Profile

  • Upload a professional profile picture. Your profile picture should be clear, recent, and show your face. According to LinkedIn, profiles with photos get 21 times more views and 36 times more messages than those without.
  • Set a background photo. Your background photo should complement your profile picture and reflect your industry, interests, or goals. It could be an image of your workplace, a project you've worked on, or something that inspires you.
  • Create a great headline. Your headline is the first thing people see when they search for you or view your profile. It should not just state your job title but also highlight your hard and soft skills, your value proposition, and your personal brand. For example, instead of "Sales Manager at ABC Inc.", you could write "Sales Manager | Helping Businesses Grow with Innovative Solutions | Passionate about Customer Success".
linkedin headline
  • Cut the buzzwords. Avoid generic or overused words like "motivated", "creative", or "team player" in your summary, work experience, or skills section. Instead, use specific and relevant keywords that match your industry and the roles you're interested in. This helps you rank higher in LinkedIn search results and showcases your unique strengths.
  • Tell your story. Your summary is your chance to introduce yourself, showcase your personality, and explain your career goals. It should be concise, engaging, and authentic. Use the first-person voice, write in short paragraphs, and include a call to action. For example, you could end your summary with "If you want to learn more about me or my work, feel free to connect with me or visit my website."
  • Sync your profile. Ensure that your profile is consistent and up-to-date with your resume, your website, your social media accounts, and your portfolio. This builds trust and credibility with potential connections and employers.

Aligning Your LinkedIn Profile with Your Connection Strategy

Once your profile is optimized, you need to align it with your connection strategy. Your connection strategy should be based on your goals, target audience, and value proposition.

Aligning Your LinkedIn Profile with Your Connection Strategy

Here are some tips to align your profile with your connection strategy:

  • Highlight your skills. Your skills section is crucial, as it demonstrates your expertise and abilities. List the skills relevant to your industry, roles, and goals, and ask for endorsements from your connections to add credibility and social proof to your skills.
  • Share relevant Linkedin Posts. Attract and engage potential connections by sharing content that showcases your knowledge, insights, and opinions. You can share articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, or your own blog posts. Commenting on others' posts, joining groups, and participating in discussions will help you establish your authority, build your network, and generate leads.
  • Stay connected. Ensure your profile does not become stagnant or outdated. Regularly update your profile with new skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Keep in touch with your existing connections, thank them for their support, and offer your help; a connection might just lead to an opportunity.

By following these steps, you can maximize your LinkedIn profile for connection success. You can also use Jobscan's LinkedIn Optimization tool to get a score and feedback on your profile, along with suggestions for improvement.

In the next section, we will share 20 winning templates to help you write a LinkedIn connection message that gets a positive response.

The Winning Templates

Now that your profile is optimized and in harmony with your connection strategy, it's time to craft a LinkedIn connection message that elicits a positive response. But what should you include in your message? How should it be structured?

What tone should it convey?

Fortunately, there's no need to start from a blank slate. The internet is filled with an array of templates you can draw inspiration from or tailor to fit your specific needs.

However, it's crucial to recognize that not all templates are equally effective. Their efficiency can vary significantly depending on the intent and context of your connection request.

Template Categories and Their Success Rates

A study identified four primary categories of LinkedIn connection message templates, ranked by their success rates:

  • Question templates. These templates conclude with a question, like "What are your thoughts on...?" or "How do you tackle...?" On average, these templates boast the highest success rate, at 78%. They excel because they demonstrate genuine interest, pique curiosity, and invite a response.
linkedin messages Question templates
  • Compliment templates. Starting with a compliment, such as "Your work on... impresses me" or "I enjoyed your article on...", these templates have the second-highest success rate, averaging 66%. They are effective because they express appreciation, stroke the ego, and foster rapport.
linkedin messages Compliment templates
  • Mutual connection templates. Mentioning a mutual connection, like "I see we both know X" or "X suggested I get in touch with you," these templates rank third in effectiveness, with an average success rate of 58%. They work well because they leverage credibility, trustworthiness, and relevance.
linkedin message Mutual connection
  • Generic templates. Utilizing a generic or default message, such as "I'd like to add you to my professional network" or "Let's connect,” these templates have the lowest success rate, at 21%. They tend to perform poorly because they lack effort, value, and personalization.
linkedin connectin messages Generic templates

As evident, the template choice significantly impacts your request's acceptance rate. Thus, prioritize using question, compliment, or mutual connection templates, and steer clear of generic templates.

In the following section, we will introduce 20 successful LinkedIn connection message templates designed for various scenarios and purposes.

20 Winning LinkedIn Connection Message Templates

Below are 20 examples of LinkedIn connection message templates that you can adapt or utilize for your needs. We've sorted these by template type and connection request purpose. Feel free to blend them to craft your personalized messages.

QuestionConnect with someone you met at an eventHi {Name},
It was great meeting you at {event name} yesterday. Your presentation on {topic} was captivating. I'm curious, how did you venture into {field}?
I'd love to stay connected and learn more from you.
{Your name}
QuestionConnect with someone you admire in your industryHi {Name},
I'm an avid follower of your work, especially your recent post on {topic}, which was incredibly insightful. I'm wondering, how do you handle {challenge} in your role?
I would appreciate any advice.
Thank you,
{Your name}
QuestionConnect with someone who can assist with your sales goalsHi {Name},
Your profile and achievements in {field} are impressive. As a {your role} at {your company}, I focus on helping {target audience} with {value proposition}.
Could you share some major challenges you face in {area of interest}?
I believe I might have helpful solutions.
May we discuss?
{Your name}
ComplimentConnect with someone you met at an eventHi {Name},
Meeting you at {event name} was delightful. Your {skill or achievement} left a lasting impression on me.
I'd be thrilled to keep in touch and learn from you.
Could we connect?
{Your name}
ComplimentConnect with someone you admire in your industryHi {Name},
I've been keeping track of your work and your insightful blog. Your depth of knowledge and expertise in {field} is truly remarkable. I greatly admire your {skill or achievement}.
I would love an opportunity to connect and discover more from you.
May I reach out?
Thank you,
{Your name}
ComplimentConnect with someone who can assist with your sales goalsHi {Name},
After discovering your impressive background in {field}, I'm fascinated by your notable track record of {skill or achievement}.
I'd like to connect and share insights and possibilities that may interest you.
Would you be open to that?
{Your name}
Mutual connectionConnect with someone you met at an eventHi {Name},
Our meet-up at {event name} and our chat about {topic} was enlightening. Additionally, we share a mutual connection in {mutual connection}. How do you know them?
I’m eager to continue our conversation.
Shall we connect?
{Your name}
Mutual connectionConnect with someone you admire in your industryHi {Name},
Following your valuable contributions and blog posts on {topic} has been inspiring. Also, realizing we both know {mutual connection}, who speaks highly of you, was a pleasant surprise.
I'd love the chance to connect and learn more from your experiences.
Would you accept my invite?
{Your name}
Mutual connectionConnect with someone who can assist with your sales goalsHi {Name},
Your experience and accomplishments in {field} caught my eye. Plus, our mutual acquaintance, {mutual connection}, is someone I deeply respect.
I’m keen on discussing ideas and opportunities that might be of interest to you.
Would you be interested?
{Your name}

These are merely a glimpse into the variety of LinkedIn connection message templates at your disposal for diverse scenarios and objectives.

Remember, templates are intended as a foundation—not for verbatim use—but to customize and personalize for each individual and situation. In the next section, we'll offer tips on personalizing your connection requests to maximize effectiveness.

How to Personalize Your Connection Requests

One of the most important factors for crafting a LinkedIn connection message that garners a positive response is personalization. Personalization entails crafting your message specifically for the individual and the context, avoiding generic or templated messages. It demonstrates that you have conducted research, that you genuinely care about the recipient, and that you offer something of value.

According to a study by Linkedin, messages that are personalized are 40% more likely to elicit a response compared to those that aren't.

personalized are 40% more likely to elicit a response compared to those that aren't.

Furthermore, personalized messages can foster trust, rapport, and credibility with your potential connections, paving the way for future opportunities and referrals.

The Importance of Personalization

Personalization becomes especially crucial when reaching out to someone unfamiliar. It's your chance to make a memorable first impression and persuade the recipient to accept your connection request. Moreover, you must differentiate yourself from the potentially hundreds of other messages they may receive daily.

Employing personalization can help you:

  • Demonstrate your interest and relevance. By referencing something specific from the person's profile, work, or content, you highlight your dedication to learning about them and your genuine reason for wanting to connect.
  • Create a connection and rapport. By mentioning a shared connection, interest, or experience, you can establish a bond with the person, increasing the likelihood they'll respond and engage with you.
  • Provide value and benefit. By outlining how you can offer support, assistance, or collaboration, you present yourself as a valuable and intriguing potential connection.

Strategies for Personalizing Templates

So, how do you inject personal touches into your LinkedIn connection messages? Below are strategies for customizing and adapting templates:

  • Use the person's name. It's a simple yet highly effective personalization tool, signaling that your message is direct and individually tailored. Whether you opt for their first name or full name depends on the desired level of formality and familiarity.
  • Refer to their profile, work, or content. This indicates you've done your due diligence and are genuinely interested in their professional background, insights, or achievements. A compliment or thoughtful comment can go a long way.
  • Mention a mutual connection, interest, or experience. This creates a sense of commonality and reduces the feeling of strangerhood, making your message more personally appealing.
  • Ask a question or offer a suggestion. Displaying curiosity or willingness to provide assistance makes your message engaging and shows a readiness for collaborative exchange.
  • End with a call to action. Clearly stating your intent for reaching out and suggesting a next step can significantly increase the chances of continued interaction.

By applying these strategies, you can effectively personalize your LinkedIn connection messages, enhancing the likelihood of receiving a favorable response.

In the concluding section of our article, we will recap the main takeaways.


Mastering the art of crafting a LinkedIn connection message that elicits a positive response is simpler than you might think. All it requires is adherence to a few straightforward steps and the implementation of tested templates.

In this guide, we've illustrated:

  • How to enhance your LinkedIn profile to pave the way for successful connections
  • The importance of recognizing the various template types and their efficacy rates
  • Employing 20 effective templates designed for diverse scenarios and objectives
  • The art of personalizing your connection requests to boost their impact

By adopting these strategies and methods, you're well on your way to creating a LinkedIn connection message that not only captures attention but also fosters connections. Moreover, this approach can significantly increase your acceptance rate, expand your network, and open the door to new leads and opportunities.

So, why delay? Begin drafting your standout LinkedIn connection message today and witness the tangible outcomes for yourself.

Remember, we're eager to see how you progress—don't hesitate to connect with us on LinkedIn and share your feedback and success stories.


What is a good message to connect on LinkedIn?

A good message to connect on LinkedIn is one that is personalized, relevant, and friendly. It should include the following elements:

  • The recipient's name and a greeting.
  • A reason for connecting that shows common ground or interest.
  • A brief introduction of yourself and your value proposition.
  • A call to action or a question to encourage a response.
  • A sign-off and your name.
For example:
"Hi John, I saw your recent post on [topic] and I really enjoyed it. I'm also interested in [topic] and I work as a [role] at [company].
I'd love to connect with you and learn more about your insights and experience. What are you working on these days? Cheers, Jane."

What is the default LinkedIn connection message?

The default LinkedIn connection message is “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” This message is not recommended by most LinkedIn experts because it is generic and impersonal.

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