
LinkedIn Account Restricted? Unlock Solutions [2024 Guide]

June 12, 20246 min read


Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
LinkedIn Account Restricted? Unlock Solutions

LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network, boasts over 800 million members.

Imagine the shock and frustration if you discover your LinkedIn account has been restricted !

This can be particularly alarming for those who depend on LinkedIn for their career or business growth.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the potential reasons why your LinkedIn account might face restrictions, and provide insights on how to avoid such situations. Additionally, we'll cover the necessary steps to recover your account should you find yourself in this predicament.

Account restrictions on LinkedIn vary, with each type having distinct causes and repercussions. While some restrictions are temporary and can be resolved by verifying your identity or completing a few simple actions, others are permanent and require an appeal through LinkedIn's customer support for resolution.

It's crucial to understand the underlying reasons for any restrictions and to follow best practices to prevent future issues. Therefore, we've put together this essential guide to assist you in unlocking your LinkedIn account and ensuring its continued health in 2024.

Understanding Why Your LinkedIn Account Got Restricted: Unveiling Common Causes

Before you can recover your LinkedIn account, it's essential to understand why it got restricted. LinkedIn enforces a set of professional community policies and a user agreement that must be adhered to. Non-compliance with these rules can lead to your account being restricted or even blocked by LinkedIn.

Here are some of the most common causes of account restrictions on LinkedIn:

Too Many Connection Requests

LinkedIn is a network designed for professionals to connect, not a social media platform for making random connections. You're encouraged to connect only with individuals you know personally or share professional interests with. Sending too many connection requests to strangers—particularly without a personalized message—can activate LinkedIn's spam detection system and result in a restricted account.

The platform does not specify a daily limit for connection requests, but it's estimated at about 100. This figure can fluctuate based on account age, activity level, and overall reputation.

Low Acceptance Rate

Your connection requests' acceptance rate is another critical factor LinkedIn considers. A low acceptance rate indicates sending requests to individuals unfamiliar with you or not interested in connecting, which could be interpreted as spamming or misuse of the platform.

While LinkedIn remains tight-lipped about the precise acceptance rate threshold, it is advised that it should exceed 20%. To boost your acceptance rate, focus on sending connection requests to relevant and targeted prospects, always accompanied by a personalized and engaging message.

Inappropriate or Spammy Activity

LinkedIn stands as a platform for the exchange of valuable and professional content, not for aggressive promotions or unsolicited advertising of products or services.

Posting inappropriate or spammy content, such as offensive or misleading messages, comments, articles, or images, may breach LinkedIn's content policies, leading to account restrictions.

Engaging in activities deemed harmful or harassing to other members, like sending unsolicited messages, endorsing skills for individuals you don't know, or creating fake profiles, will also draw scrutiny from LinkedIn. The platform actively monitors behavior, and any violation could result in your account being restricted.

If you have received a notification that your LinkedIn account is temporarily restricted, don't panic. There are some steps you can take to regain access and prevent further issues. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate through a temporary restriction:

Best Practices for Safeguarding Your Account

The best way to avoid getting your account restricted is to follow LinkedIn's professional community policies and user agreement. These are some of the best practices you can adopt to safeguard your account:

  • Use a strong and unique password for your account and change it regularly. You can also enable two-step verification for extra security.
  • Keep your email address and phone number updated and verified on your account. This will help you recover your account in case of any issues.
  • Only connect with people you know or have a legitimate reason to contact. Avoid sending too many connection requests or messages to strangers, especially without personalization.

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  • Share valuable and relevant content that aligns with LinkedIn's content policies. Avoid posting or engaging with inappropriate, spammy, or misleading content.
  • Monitor your account activity and behavior regularly. Check for any alerts or notifications from LinkedIn, and report any suspicious or unauthorized actions.

What to Avoid When Your Account Is Restricted

When your account is restricted, you may be tempted to take some actions that could worsen your situation. Here are some things you should avoid when your account is restricted:

  • Don't create another account using the same device or email address. This could violate LinkedIn's user agreement and result in a permanent ban.
  • Don't ignore or delete the email from LinkedIn that informs you about the restriction. This email contains important information and instructions on how to recover your account.
  • Don't contact LinkedIn customer support repeatedly or impatiently. This could delay the process or annoy the support team. Be polite and respectful, and wait for their response.
  • Don't continue to use automation tools or scripts that may have caused the restriction. This could trigger further detection and penalties from LinkedIn.

Reactivating and Maintaining a Healthy LinkedIn Profile

Congratulations on successfully recovering your LinkedIn account from a temporary or permanent restriction! It's time to dive back into professional networking and personal branding on the platform.

However, it's essential to take certain steps to ensure your account remains in good standing. Here are strategies for both immediate reactivation and ongoing maintenance of your LinkedIn profile:

Immediate Actions for Account Reactivation

Upon regaining access to your LinkedIn account, executing the following steps will aid in restoring your profile and averting future complications:

  • Change your password and enable two-step verification to secure your account against unauthorized access.
  • Update your profile to reflect current skills, experience, and achievements, enhancing your visibility to potential employers and connections.
  • Check for pending connection requests and messages you may have missed during the restriction period, responding promptly to re-establish communication.
  • Rejoin groups or follow pages you were removed from to reconnect with your professional network and stay informed on industry trends.
  • Contact LinkedIn customer support to express appreciation for their help, fostering a positive relationship and showing your professionalism.

Post-Recovery Actions

To maintain your LinkedIn profile and steer clear of future restrictions, consider these practices:

  • Adhering to LinkedIn's professional community policies and user agreement is crucial. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the platform's rules and follow them consistently.
  • Send connection requests only to those you know or have a genuine interest in, personalizing each request to explain your motives for connecting.
  • Focus on sharing and engaging with content that adds value to your field of expertise. Avoid spamming, trolling, or inappropriately promoting products or services.
  • When using LinkedIn automation tools, choose trusted and compliant options that respect the platform's limits and policies, using them judiciously.
  • Regularly monitor your account's performance metrics, such as profile views and connection acceptance rate, to gauge how your profile is perceived and identify improvement areas. Also, heed any alerts or notifications from LinkedIn, addressing them promptly and suitably.


Encountering a restriction on your LinkedIn account can indeed be a stressful and frustrating event. Nevertheless, it's crucial to understand that this predicament doesn't spell doom. By adhering to the steps and recommendations we've outlined in this discussion, you can recover your account and continue to engage in professional networking and personal branding on this significant platform. Moreover, implementing preventive measures to circumvent future restrictions is essential for maintaining a vibrant and active profile.

LinkedIn stands as a potent instrument for advancing your career or business. It is imperative to utilize this tool with wisdom and responsibility. Ensuring compliance with LinkedIn's professional community policies and user agreement, as well as showing respect towards fellow platform members, is fundamental.

Should you require any assistance or guidance concerning your LinkedIn account or profile, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is poised to support you, aiming to unlock your LinkedIn potential in 2024.


How do I unrestrict my LinkedIn account?

To unrestrict your LinkedIn account, you must verify your identity with Persona, LinkedIn's identity verification provider. This process requires uploading a clear photo of a valid government-issued ID card, driver’s license, or passport.

How long will my LinkedIn account be restricted?

The duration of your LinkedIn account restriction depends on the severity and frequency of your violation of LinkedIn's policies. It can range from several hours to several weeks.

To check the duration of your restriction, refer to the error message displayed after you attempt to log in or try verifying your identity to regain account access.

Why is my LinkedIn account restricted asking for ID?

Your LinkedIn account may be restricted and asking for ID because LinkedIn suspects bot activity or identity fraud on your account. To regain access, verify your identity by uploading a clear photo of your valid government-issued ID, driver's license, or passport.

How do I get my LinkedIn account back?

To recover your LinkedIn account, you have two options depending on the reason for loss of access. If you forgot your password or email address, you can reset your password using your phone number or a new email address along with a verification code. Should your account be restricted by LinkedIn, verify your identity with a government-issued ID and a photo of yourself to recover access.

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