
How Many LinkedIn Invites Per Week Can You Send in 2024?

May 10, 20248 min read


Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
How Many LinkedIn Invites Per Week Can You Send in 2024?

LinkedIn stands as a dominant social media platform for professionals, offering a unique space to flaunt your skills, forge connections with peers, and unearth new ventures.

However, maximizing LinkedIn's potential comes with its challenges, including navigating platform restrictions. Among the most pressing queries is the weekly limit on LinkedIn invites for 2024. These invites are essential for broadening your network and fostering valuable relationships with potential clients, partners, or employers.

Given LinkedIn imposes a cap on the number of invitations you can send weekly—a figure that's evolved over time—it's crucial to understand the 2024 invitation limit, its rationale, and its implications for your account.

This guide will venture into the current LinkedIn invite limit for 2024, providing insights on leveraging your invites within these constraints, alongside strategies to circumvent the weekly ceiling when necessary.

Arm yourself with knowledge to employ LinkedIn invites effectively and securely, ensuring your professional growth on this pivotal platform.

Understanding the Weekly Invitation Cap in 2024

The Evolution of LinkedIn's Connection Strategy

LinkedIn has always prioritized building quality connections over sheer quantity.

In the past, the platform allowed users to send up to 700 invitations per week. This high limit led to instances of spamming and system abuse, resulting in numerous irrelevant or unwelcome requests. Such practices diminished the value of the network and detracted from the overall user experience.

In response, LinkedIn introduced a weekly invitation limit in 2020, initially setting it at 100 invitations per week. This change aimed to prompt users to engage in more selective and personalized outreach efforts, emphasizing connections with individuals they know and trust, and discouraging members from blindly automating invite sending with IA technologies.

Additionally, LinkedIn deployed a system to monitor the acceptance rate of invitations, with the capability to adjust your limit based on this metric. Users demonstrating a high acceptance rate might be granted the ability to send more than 100 invitations weekly. Conversely, those with a low acceptance rate could find themselves restricted from sending any invitations until their performance improves.

Exact Weekly Invitation Limits for 2024

As of 2024, the weekly invitation limit on LinkedIn stands at 100 invitations per week, albeit with certain variations influenced by your account's specifics and activities. The following factors can impact your weekly invitation limit:

  • Your account age: Newer accounts might face stricter limits compared to older ones, as LinkedIn aims to curb potential fake or spam accounts from exploiting the platform.
  • Your account level: Premium accounts, such as those with Sales Navigator or Recruiter, often enjoy a higher limit than basic accounts, rewarding paying customers and supporting their business objectives on the platform.
  • Your event invitations: Event organizers have the privilege of sending up to 1,000 invitations per week to potential attendees, separate from the standard invitation quota. This is limited to individuals within your network or those who have expressly opted in to receive such invitations.
  • Free accounts can only send 10 invites per month with note. If you are using a free Linkedin account it's better to just send invites without notes. If you can afford it I strongly suggest you to pick up a Linkedin premium account at $30 that will remove this limit.

It's important to note that these factors are subject to change, as LinkedIn may modify them at any time without prior notice. As such, routinely monitoring your invitation limit and acceptance rate, along with adhering to LinkedIn's best practices for sending invitations, is crucial.

Strategies to Bypass Linkedin invitation limits

Automate your Linkedin prospection with AI

If you are using Linkedin to find leads and clients, you will probably end up being limited really quickly by those 100 invites per week.

But there is a hack.

What if you could simply connect several accounts to a single tool that would automatically send hundreds of invites to prospects every week ?
And all of this without the need for you to do anything.

This tool is called useArtemis !

useartemis landing page

What differentiate useArtemis from other Linkedin automation tools is that it's using AI. Each invites that are being sent are personalized for each lead which increase a lot the acceptance rate.

Just give a brief of your company, goal and pitch and useArtemis will automatically write personalized invites and messages.

useArtemis sequence creation

useArtemis offers the possibility to create your dream sequence, follow up, write messages with AI, analyze replies and even enable Auto Inbox to let the AI reply and close deals for you. What a time to be alive !

And more than just sending invites, useArtemis can also find leads with automatically with an Apollo scraper.

useartemis apollo scraper

It's also very effective if you manage multiple accounts as useArtemis has an inbox feature that allows you to view and manage multiple Linkedin inboxes in a simple and effective way.

You can even create reply with AI. Each messages will be following your campaign, goal and pitch instructions which results in very relevant messages.

The message below for exemple was generated with AI.

It follows exactly the prompt, the goal and the pitch I have provided when i connected my Linkedin account.

Optimizing Your Profile for Better Engagement

One of the best ways to attract more connections on LinkedIn is to optimize your profile for better engagement. This involves ensuring your profile effectively showcases your skills, achievements, and personality.

Here are some tips to optimize your profile:

  • Upload a great profile picture that is recent, professional, and clearly shows your face.
  • Add your pronouns to your name field to demonstrate respect and inclusion.
  • Set a background photo that reflects your industry, interests, or personal brand.
  • Create a compelling headline that summarizes your value proposition and includes relevant keywords.
  • Replace buzzwords with specific and authentic language to articulate your experience and goals.
  • Tell your story in the summary section, highlighting your achievements, passions, and motivations.
  • Sync your profile with your other online platforms, such as your website, blog, or portfolio.
  • Highlight your skills and endorsements, and ask for recommendations from colleagues, clients, or partners.

Content Creation & Active Participation

Another way to increase your network on LinkedIn is to create and share valuable content that showcases your expertise, insights, and opinions. This not only helps establish your authority but also attracts your target audience and starts meaningful conversations. Here are some effective strategies for content creation and sharing on LinkedIn:

  • Share content that is relevant, engaging, unique, and shareable.
  • Utilize various formats, such as articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, or polls, to cater to different preferences and diversify your content.
  • Focus on being genuine rather than salesy, and avoid spamming or overt self-promotion.
  • Use hashtags to improve your visibility and reach, and tag relevant individuals or organizations to enhance engagement.
  • Maintain a consistent posting schedule without overwhelming your audience to keep up your presence and credibility. You can for exemple leverage tools like BreakReach to create linkedin posts with AI and schedule them.
schedule linkedin posts with AI
  • Offer exclusive content, like behind-the-scenes looks, tips, or case studies, to entice your audience and build trust.
  • Analyze your content’s performance and adapt your strategy based on analytics, feedback, and trending topics.

In addition to creating your own content, active participation in the LinkedIn community by engaging with others’ content is crucial. This can foster relationships, widen your reach, and offer valuable learning opportunities. Here are ways to engage effectively:

  • Follow your interests, such as influencers, companies, groups, or hashtags, to stay informed.
  • Engage with others’ content through comments, likes, shares, or mentions when you find it valuable or relevant.
  • Contribute to or initiate discussions on topics important to you or your industry, sharing your insights or advice.
  • Send personalized invitations to connect with people who share your interests or professional background, and follow up with a friendly message.
  • Curate your network by removing or unfollowing connections that don’t align with your objectives or values.

Alternative Networking Strategies on LinkedIn

To expand your network on LinkedIn without breaching the weekly invitation limit, consider implementing some alternative networking strategies. For instance, instead of just sending invites, you can invite users to follow your profile; this action doesn't count against your invite limit and can be an effective approach to grow your audience. Furthermore, determining when it's better to "follow" versus "connect" with individuals can be instrumental. Following allows you access to their content and engages them without the need for a direct connection, which can lead to an organic invitation from their end, circumventing the limit altogether.

  • Opt for the "Follow" button instead of the "Connect" button. This enables you to follow anyone on LinkedIn and view their updates and content in your feed, facilitating engagement with influencers, thought leaders, or potential prospects through likes, comments, or shares.
  • Engage in LinkedIn groups that resonate with your industry, interests, or objectives. LinkedIn groups serve as an excellent platform for connecting with fellow professionals, exchanging ideas, posing questions, and garnering knowledge. Messages can also be sent to group members even without a direct connection, contingent on group settings.
  • Leverage LinkedIn events to discover, participate in, or organize online or in-person events that align with your professional objectives. Networking with event attendees, speakers, or organizers can yield valuable information, insights, or opportunities. Moreover, you can extend invitations to your connections or followers to join your events, or accept others' invitations.
  • Consider utilizing LinkedIn Sales Navigator or Recruiter for access to enhanced features and tools aimed at locating, connecting with, and engaging your target audience. These premium subscriptions provide advanced search filters, lead recommendations, InMail messages, CRM integration, and more, potentially increasing your network within or beyond the limits based on your aspirations and requirements.


In this article, we have detailed the number of LinkedIn invites you can send per week in 2024, and explained why there's a limit to this number. Additionally, we've outlined several strategies to broaden your network within these constraints. These include optimizing your profile, creating and sharing valuable content, and actively participating in the LinkedIn community.

We also delved into alternative networking strategies on LinkedIn, such as following others, joining groups, attending events, or opting for premium subscriptions. We've guided you on how to leverage these alternatives without breaching LinkedIn's policies.

Our aim has been to provide you with insights on efficiently and safely utilizing LinkedIn invites, helping you expand your network and achieve your professional aspirations. Should you have any questions or wish to share feedback, don't hesitate to leave a comment below or reach out to us directly.

If you found this article useful, please consider sharing it with your connections or followers. Thank you for reading!

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