
Does Linkedin show who viewed your profile in 2024 ? [ + Crazy tip ]

February 05, 20247 min read


Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
Does Linkedin show who viewed your profile in 2024

Can you See who views your LinkedIn profile?

Long story short, yes : LinkedIn indeed gives you the ability to view the profiles of those who have visited your profile.

However, there's a catch. Only some of the viewers' identities will be revealed to you unless you opt for the LinkedIn premium subscription. With the LinkedIn free version, while you can see that someone has visited, the specific information about the viewer may not always be available or may only reveal limited details. 

For instance, the platform might present you with somewhat vague descriptions such as 'someone from the financial services sector London' or perhaps 'someone from your alma mater'.
This limited information might essentially whet your appetite, enticing you to upgrade to a LinkedIn premium subscription such as sales navigator or Linkedin Premium Carrer, which provides you with full insights into who exactly has been scoping out your profile

While the lack of detailed knowledge about each viewer might seem frustrating at first, even this high-level information could provide valuable insights. It might pinpoint which industry sectors, companies or educational networks are checking out what you have to showcase on your profile. 

If you are still left feeling keenly curious about who’s been visiting your profile and desire a more detailed view into this data, the next step could be investing in LinkedIn Premium. Upgrading to the Premium service will grant you complete access to information about every single viewer, right down to their job title and the company they work for.
Keep reading to find out more details on this feature in the subsequent sections.

How do I see who view my profile on LinkedIn ?

So, after you log into your LinkedIn account, head straight to your profile.

You'll find a box named "Analytics". Within this box, there's a clickable number next to 'XXX profiles views' .

Click on this, and LinkedIn will reveal a page with a list of users who have checked out your profile in the last 90 days.

how viewed my profile on linkedin

Depending on your account settings and the viewer's privacy choices, you might see names, job titles, or anonymous LinkedIn members.

In my case I have a Linkedin Sales Navigator subscription so I can see exactly who viewed my profile.

Remember, the details you see are directly affected by the viewer's LinkedIn settings, so if they've chosen to be anonymous, you won't be able to see who they are. 

🔴 A note of caution though: LinkedIn only provides this feature to users who agree to allow others to see when they visit their profile.

➡️ In other words, it's a give-and-take situation: if you want to know who's stopped by your profile, you need to let others know when you visit theirs.

Nonetheless, if you don't mind this arrangement, you'll find this feature incredibly useful.

This isn't just about curiosity, though. Seeing who's viewed your profile can have compelling benefits. It could lead to networking opportunities, job offers, or even a chance to reconnect with old colleagues. So go ahead and take full advantage of this feature and amplify your LinkedIn experience.

Can people see when you look at their Linkedin  ?

That's a great question. While it's true that LinkedIn does indeed have the ability to track who checks out profiles, it's not as straightforward as one may assume.

There are multiple variables in play that can affect what another LinkedIn member sees when you visit their profile. 

Firstly, if you've chosen to browse LinkedIn in private mode, other members will not be able to see you when you visit their profile. Any visits to profiles while in private mode are registered as "an anonymous LinkedIn member" under the 'Who's viewed your profile' section. However, it is equally important to remember that this feature also hinders your ability to see who has visited your profile. 

Conversely, if you're not in private mode, your name and headline would be visible in the 'Who's viewed your profile' section to the respective LinkedIn member, provided they have access to this premium feature.

If the target leads doesn't have Linkedin premium or is in private mode, then he will only see "Someone from X industry" viewed your profile.

With that said, not all LinkedIn members have access to the full list of people who viewed their profile, as such feature is part of LinkedIn's higher-tier premium subscription packages. 

So to conclude :

If the lead has a Linkedin Premium subscription and you are NOT on private mode, then yes, someone on Linkedin can see if you look at their profile.

Otherwise, if the lead doesn't not have Linkedin Premium and you are NOT on private mode, then he will just see "Someone from X sector, or X company viewed your profile".

But keep in mind that sometimes you can easily deduct who view your profile by just seeing this "Someone from useArtemis viewed your profile" for example. As there is only 1 person who works at useArtemis : me :)

Therefore, one can conclude that while it's possible for someone on LinkedIn to see if you've visited their profile, unless they have a premium subscription, and you're not browsing in private mode, chances of them seeing your view are low.

Pro tip : Visit Linkedin profiles to catch attention 

Viewing profiles is a strategic move that can result in mutual interest and interaction. 

When you visit another user's LinkedIn page, there's a chance they might notice it as we mentioned it earlier.

someone viewed your profile on linkedin

In my exemple, Justine viewed my profile and I'm looking for someone to handle SEO for useArtemis. So Justine, maybe without even knowing it just generated a potential lead.

If their privacy settings permit it, your name and headline could pop up in their 'Who's Viewed Your Profile' section. This natural curiosity can then lead them to check out your profile in return.

It's a simple way to increase your visibility and potentially make new connections

Remember that LinkedIn, at its core, is a networking platform. It's not just about showcasing your achievements and skills on your own page. It's also about reaching out, showing interest in others, and fostering professional relationships. Viewing profiles can be a significant part of this process. 

However, this strategy comes with a degree of professional etiquette. It's essential to view profiles with a purpose and not just mindlessly browse through countless accounts.

Aim to check out the pages of those in your industry, potential clients, or potential employers. This way, even if they see that you've viewed their page, your visit will make logical sense. 

With that said, make sure your own profile is up-to-date and presents you in the most favorable light before you start viewing others. After all, if your tactic works and catches someone's attention, you'll want your LinkedIn page to impress!

[Crazy tip] How to automatically visit highly targeted Linkedin profiles on autopilot to generate leads ?

What if you could automatically visit hundreds of profiles every weeks to catch attention and get leads ? 

Doing this manually would take hours and super boring, but we can easily do all of this 100% on autopilot using useArtemis.

useartemis automatically visit linkedin profiles

Step 1: Create an account on useArtemis

Head over to and create an account. Once done make sure you have installed the Chrome extension.

Step 2: Find and extract leads from Linkedin

Now let's move on to the next step, go to Linkedin and make a new search. In my case I will search for "SEO", so I can find people who work in the SEO industry so i can show them how Justine got me as a client and how they could do the same with useArtemis.

On the search bar I type "SEO", then I click on search, then People.
The I launch the Chrome extension, give a name to my list an click on export.

scrape linkedin leads with useArtemis chrome extension

I can now go back to useArtemis to track the progress of the export.
Once it's finished, I can see that my leads are ready.

leads scraped from linkedin

Step 3: Launch a campaign

We are almost ready.
Now that we have our list of leads, we need to create a campaign to target them automatically.

Let's go to the "Campaigns" tab and click on "New campaign".

useartemis campaign creator

You can chose any template, it doesn't matter as we will change it. Then click on "Create campaign".

Remove all tasks that are added by default.

add linkedin visit in useArtemis

Then click on "Add steps" and "Add visit".

Make sure you have select your newly created list on the "Select a list" step.

Then simply select the account you want to use in the linkedin visit step (you can use multiple Linkedin accounts on useArtemis ).

And here we go ! Just click on "Launch Campaign" and useArtemis will automatically visit all those leads one by one, with a safety delay between each. An amazing way to generate leads on autopilot and bring exposure to your business.

See you in the next article 🤘🏼

10x LinkedIn Outbound with AI-Personalized Hooks & Replies

Extract and contact leads automatically on Linkedin and Emails with useArtemis.