
How to cancel Linkedin Premium ?

January 31, 20243 min read


Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
How to cancel Linkedin Premium ?

As we've already discussed previously when I introduced you to the various LinkedIn offerings: there are paid versions of LinkedIn, known as LinkedIn Premium.

Among the different LinkedIn Premium offerings, there are notably:

  • LinkedIn Premium Career + Business
    These two versions of LinkedIn Premium are actually just enhancements of the initial interface with additional InMail credits and features like anonymity when you visit someone's profile and conversely, the ability to see who has visited your profile.
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator
    This is LinkedIn's flagship platform. It's a separate interface that allows for searching profiles with many more filters. To learn more about LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
  • LinkedIn Recruiter
    As the name suggests, LinkedIn Recruiter is a platform designed and conceived for recruiters. It allows, in particular, to find candidates with numerous filters, manage various job postings, etc.
  • LinkedIn Learning
    LinkedIn Learning is a platform created by LinkedIn that offers the general public numerous courses in a variety of fields.

Unsubscribing from LinkedIn Premium, the Guide

Subscriptions have become a nightmare for some, and this phenomenon is only amplifying in an era where all services are sold on a subscription basis.
But rest assured, LinkedIn has made things relatively simple to cancel a LinkedIn Premium subscription.
If you want to cancel LinkedIn Premium when you are on a Business or Career subscription, just follow these steps:

1 . Go to LinkedIn

2 . Click on your profile picture at the top right

cancel linkedin premium

3 . Then click on "Premium features"

4 . Next, we will click on "Subscription details" then "Manage subscription"

Cancel subscription linkedin premium

5 . Click on "Cancel subscription"

cancel linkedin

6 . The mistake not to make is to stop halfway through. Indeed, LinkedIn requires an additional step to cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription.

stop linkedin billing

7. You will need to click again on "Confirm cancellation".

This time your LinkedIn Premium subscription should be correctly canceled, and you will no longer be charged.

How to Unsubscribe from LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

If you wish to cancel your LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscription, the process is identical.
Everything is done from the site, just like canceling a premium career or business subscription as we saw earlier.

You do not need to log into Sales Navigator to cancel your subscription.

What Happens When You Unsubscribe from LinkedIn Premium?

When you cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription, you will no longer be charged.
Be sure to cancel your subscription at least 24 hours in advance.

You will retain access to Premium features until the expiry of your subscription. After this period, your benefits will be terminated, and you will no longer be able to use LinkedIn Premium or Sales Navigator.

Also note that any accumulated InMail credits will be lost and cannot be used even if you reactivate your subscription later. Additionally, since the latest update from LinkedIn, the new LinkedIn limits will restrict you to only 10 personalized invitations (i.e., with a note) per month.

Rest assured, according to some studies, invitations without a note have better acceptance rates.

Is It a Good Idea to Cancel LinkedIn Premium?

That's a good question! The answer obviously varies greatly depending on your profession and your goals.

If your goal with LinkedIn is to connect with users to expand your network, find clients, or generate leads, then the answer is YES! You can probably do without LinkedIn Premium and use useArtemis in parallel with the free version of LinkedIn to automate your prospecting, your sending of invitations, messages, and even emails.

useArtemis landing page

Indeed, since InMails are extremely limited with LinkedIn Premium offerings, you will need a more scalable system for your prospecting and capable of automatically contacting hundreds of people every day on autopilot.

useartemis linkedin automation tool

Indeed, a simple sequence with useArtemis can be much more effective than a LinkedIn Premium subscription for generating leads.

The ideal would be to combine the two to benefit from a larger number of results appearing in LinkedIn searches, a greater number of personalized invitation sendings, and obviously Sales Navigator.

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