
Can I Have Multiple LinkedIn Accounts? The Best Solutions

May 29, 20247 min read

Linkedin automation

Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
Can I Have Multiple LinkedIn Accounts?

Introducing the Debate Around Multiple LinkedIn Accounts

Can you have two LinkedIn accounts? This question might stir curiosity among professionals and marketers alike, particularly those keen on segregating their personal and professional networks, targeting diverse audiences, or overseeing numerous brands.

In this discussion, we delve into the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining multiple LinkedIn accounts, alongside the potential complications and hazards they entail. Moreover, we will offer valuable insights and best practices for individuals considering the management or creation of additional LinkedIn profiles.

Whether your role encompasses demand generation, social media management, content marketing, or personal brand development, this article aims to guide you towards a well-rounded decision regarding your LinkedIn tactics.

The benefits of having multiple LinkedIn accounts

For professionals and marketers, operating multiple LinkedIn accounts can present several advantages. This discourse will unveil three primary benefits: better segmentation for diverse careers, enhanced privacy and professionalism, and specialized networking opportunities.

Scaling prospection with multiple LinkedIn accounts

Having multiple accounts allows you to scale your Linkedin prospection and Bypass Linkedin limits for sending invites and messages.
This approach allows you to go faster in your prospecting game, get more replies and connections and in the end... more leads. We will cover this part later in the article 👇

Better Segmentation for Diverse Careers

Professionals with multifaceted skill sets or those navigating various industries can find value in managing two LinkedIn accounts. This approach allows for clearer segmentation of career paths, facilitating a more effective showcase of expertise. For instance, if your career spans being a graphic designer and a yoga instructor, creating individual profiles for each allows for targeted engagement with respective audiences through pertinent content, skills, and experiences.

This strategy prevents potential confusion or information overload for prospective employers or clients by keeping unrelated details separate.

Enhanced Privacy and Professionalism

Another compelling advantage of maintaining two LinkedIn accounts is the ability to balance privacy with professionalism. Opting for one account for personal connections (friends and family) and another for professional associations (colleagues and business contacts) safeguards against the accidental sharing of sensitive or unprofessional content. This distinction helps in preserving your reputation and credibility.

Additionally, employing separate privacy settings for each account offers control over who views your profiles and activities.

Specialized Networking Opportunities

Last but not least, dual LinkedIn accounts can open doors to more specialized networking opportunities. By delineating personal branding from business or freelancing pursuits across separate accounts, you can broaden your network and enhance your outreach to potential connections and prospects. It also enables engagement with distinct groups, influencers, and communities pertinent to each professional sphere, thus bolstering your visibility and authority within those realms.

The Challenges and Risks of Maintaining Multiple Accounts

Violation of LinkedIn's User Agreement

While the benefits of having multiple LinkedIn accounts might seem appealing, they are significantly outweighed by the challenges and risks involved. Key issues include violating LinkedIn's user agreement, increased management overhead, and the potential for confusion and distrust among your connections. We will delve into these three primary drawbacks of operating dual LinkedIn accounts.

Violation of LinkedIn's User Agreement

Perhaps the most severe risk comes from violating LinkedIn's user agreement. The policy explicitly prohibits members from creating more than one profile. Thus, if you're found to have multiple accounts, LinkedIn has the authority to suspend or terminate them at any time. This could lead to a significant loss - access to your connections, content, and crucial data, not to mention a damaging blow to your online reputation and credibility.

Increased Management Overhead

Maintaining multiple LinkedIn accounts significantly ramps up the management effort and time required. Each profile must be consistently updated with the latest information, skills, and experiences, which can be daunting, especially for those with a busy schedule or in the midst of a job search. Additionally, managing the login details, privacy settings, and notifications for more than one account can be complex and error-prone.

Potential for Confusion and Distrust Among Connections

Another significant drawback is the confusion and distrust that multiple accounts can cause among your connections. Inconsistencies or conflicting information across profiles can lead to confusion for potential employers or connections, eroding trust and credibility. Moreover, discovering that you maintain multiple accounts may lead your connections to question your motives, feeling deceived or misled. This has the potential to severely damage your professional relationships and reputation.

How to manage multiple Linkedin accounts ?

If contemplating the creation or management of multiple LinkedIn accounts, adhering to certain best practices is essential to sidestep the challenges and risks previously discussed. Here, we'll divulge three pivotal tips for those aiming to efficiently manage dual LinkedIn accounts: emphasizing a main account, ensuring transparent communication, and exploring alternative solutions.

Focusing on a Primary Account

A crucial strategy when handling multiple LinkedIn accounts is to prioritize a primary account that mirrors your chief professional identity and objectives. This should be your most active account—regularly updated, linked with your most pertinent and beneficial contacts, and a platform to flaunt your personal brand, thought leadership, and accomplishments.

By concentrating on a main account, you can prevent the dispersion of your online presence and maintain a consistent and trustworthy profile that magnetizes your intended audience.

Transparent Communication

Key to managing multiple LinkedIn accounts is transparent communication with your network. It’s important to make clear the intent and range of each account, elucidating the reasons behind multiple profiles.

Avoid sending mixed or repeating messages across different accounts to the same individual, while honoring their preferences and limits. If feasible, interlink your accounts or reference them in your bio or headlines, facilitating an easy pathway for contacts to locate and engage with you across the platform.

Alternative Solutions

Exploring alternative avenues constitutes another best practice for overseeing multiple LinkedIn accounts, ensuring your strategies don’t contravene LinkedIn’s user agreement or tarnish your online standing. For instance, rather than multiple personal accounts, you could set up a company page, a showcase page, or a group for various brands, products, or business segments.

linkedin company page

Such avenues allow you to categorize your audience, disseminate pertinent content, and connect with followers minus the complexity of juggling several profiles. Additionally, tools like useArtemis or Expandi can streamline management of multiple LinkedIn profiles through a single device, enabling scheduling, automatization of posts and messages, and tracking of your performance analytics.

Manage multiple LinkedIn accounts with Chrome sessions

A great solution to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts is to open several Google Chrome sessions, each session will have its own LinkedIn account allowing you to seamlessly switch from an account to another by simply switching sessions.

Chrome sessions for Linkedin accounts

This probably the easiest way to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from your computer.

Automate multiple LinkedIn accounts to send invites and messages

If you have multiple accounts on Linkedin and want to use them to automatically send invites and messages 24/7, then this paragraph is for you.

You can use useArtemis !


useArtemis is a Linkedin automation tool that allows you to connect multiple Linkedin accounts and create prospecting campaigns on Linkedin.
In opposition to most of other Linkedin automation tools, useArtemis leverages AI to automatically craft personalized hooks and messages for your prospects based on their Linkedin profiles, maximizing the reply and acceptance rate.

Which allows to stay ultra personalized while scaling your prospection with multiple accounts.


For professionals and marketers tempted by the idea of maintaining multiple LinkedIn accounts to segment their careers, enhance their privacy, and unlock additional networking opportunities, it's crucial to consider both the potential rewards and pitfalls. On the downside, having more than one account risks violating LinkedIn's user agreement, introduces additional management complexities, and can sow confusion and distrust among your connections. Before taking the plunge into managing multiple LinkedIn profiles, it's advisable to carefully weigh the pros and cons, ensuring you adhere to the best practices outlined in this guide.

As an alternative, exploring options such as creating pages or groups, or leveraging tools like useArtemis or Expandi, can help you meet your objectives while maintaining a solid online reputation and credibility. These strategies offer a compromise that allows for effective networking and brand building without the inherent risks of multiple personal profiles.

We trust that you've found the insights in this article valuable and enlightening. Should you have any questions or wish to share your thoughts, please don't hesitate to do so in the comments section below.

If you're in need of expert assistance with your LinkedIn strategy, content creation, or lead generation efforts, reach out to us. Our team is dedicated to helping you elevate your personal and professional brand on LinkedIn.


How to create a second LinkedIn account?

To create a second LinkedIn account, you can either use a different email address or phone number, or opt for a multi-accounting browser like GoLogin or simply use different Chrome session for each accounts.

You can switch between accounts by either signing out and back in with the alternate account or leveraging the browser's profile management feature.

Can I have 2 LinkedIn accounts on the same phone?

Indeed, it is possible to maintain 2 LinkedIn accounts on the same phone. However, be cautious as this practice violates LinkedIn's official policy and might lead to an account suspension. For safe multi-account navigation on the same device, LinkedIn recommends its multi-account feature.

Can you have a personal and business LinkedIn account?

Absolutely, having both a personal and business LinkedIn account is permitted. To create a company page, you must satisfy specific criteria like using your real name on your personal profile and having a number of connections. Importantly, your personal and business accounts are distinct; your personal network will only see your business posts if they opt to follow your company page.

How many LinkedIn pages can I have?

You are limited to one personal LinkedIn account, but there is no cap on the number of company pages you can establish. Nonetheless, choosing which one will serve as your primary company page should be a strategic decision.

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