
[Guide] LinkedIn Sales Navigator Vs Premium - Don't make the wrong choice !

July 18, 20237 min read

Linkedin Sales Navigator

Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Vs Premium

If you are looking for an effective solution to generate more leads on LinkedIn, you have certainly heard of the premium offers that the platform provides, namely: LinkedIn Premium and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Although LinkedIn offers a very interesting free version, it quickly becomes limited when you want to prospect. Search results are limited, you can't send inMail, you can't see who has viewed your profile, etc.

The paid version of LinkedIn thus quickly becomes a necessity for salespeople and users who want to prospect on LinkedIn.

Unfortunately, LinkedIn's premium offerings can seem a bit difficult to differentiate at first glance, so we will dissect the two main offers to help you choose the one that will best suit your lead generation strategy.

What is LinkedIn Premium?

linkedin premium

LinkedIn Premium Career is the first premium offer proposed by LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Premium Career costs $29.99/month and offers the following features:

  • Private Browsing: This is generally the number one reason that drives users to switch to LinkedIn Premium. Private browsing allows you to visit profiles without notifying them.
  • Candidate Info: If you want to recruit on LinkedIn, the LinkedIn Premium Career subscription will give you access to more detailed information about candidate profiles when you post an ad.
  • Private messages (inMails): InMails are messages that you can send to people who are not in your contacts. LinkedIn Premium offers 5 inMail credits per month. This is very little, but if you stay until the end of this article, we will show you a much more interesting alternative.
  • Who viewed your profile: This feature allows you, as the name suggests, to see who has visited your profile in the last 90 days.
linkedin premium profile views

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is somewhat the older brother of LinkedIn Premium.

The price of LinkedIn Sales Navigator Core, which is the first offer, is $99/month.

In addition to offering a different interface, LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers features that are undoubtedly more interesting than LinkedIn Premium Career. Here are some of them:

  • Unlimited profile views: LinkedIn imposes a commercial limit on free users. This limit is calculated for each account and is not fixed, but it will prevent you from visiting more than a certain number of profiles per day, or from doing more than a certain number of searches per day. With Sales Navigator this limit disappears and you can do as many searches as you wish.
  • Advanced search: LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers a plethora of filters that will allow you to find leads with much more precision.
sales navigator filters
  • Access to the Sales Navigator platform: LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a platform independent of LinkedIn that only Sales Navigator users can access. This platform allows you to save your leads, synchronize them, search, etc.
linkedin sales navigator platform
  • Custom prospect and account lists: You have the ability to save your leads in different lists. LinkedIn Sales Navigator will even regularly recommend leads that seem relevant and similar to those you have already saved.
linkedin sales navigator leads lists
  • 50 inMail credits: inMails can be sent to any LinkedIn user. They therefore offer the huge advantage of being able to contact just about anyone. Their only downside is their number. Even though LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers 50 credits, it's still quite a small amount for large-scale prospecting.

LinkedIn Premium vs Sales Navigator, which to choose?

Now that we have reviewed all the features offered by these two offers, we will focus on the question you are certainly asking yourself: Which offer to choose?

The answer depends on what you are looking for:

  • If you are a user who uses LinkedIn as a simple social network but you are still curious to know who visits your profile in secret, or if you want to stalk discreetly, then go for LinkedIn Premium Career.
  • On the other hand, if you use LinkedIn as a work tool for your marketing strategy, to find new clients, network or prospect, then don't hesitate for a second longer and go for LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator will not only allow you to do much more targeted searches, view unlimited profiles, and also send inMails.

How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Have you taken the plunge and subscribed to Sales Navigator? Excellent choice, here are now some tips to optimize your subscription to the maximum and increase the ROI of Linkedin Sales Navigator.

scrape linkedin sales navigator

Export and enrich Sales Navigator search results with emails and phone numbers

When prospecting, email is the key to the game. Unfortunately, LinkedIn doesn't always give us the email of the leads that we don't have in our connections.

But good news, we have developed a tool that allows you to scrape LinkedIn Sales navigator, and then enrich these data.

1) Sign up for useArtemis

The first step is to create an account on useArtemis.

2)Install the Chrome extension

Go here to install the useArtemis Chrome extension. It is this extension that will allow us to export Sales Navigator search results.

Just click on "Add to Chrome" to install the extension.

install useartemis chrome extension

3) Make a search on Sales Navigator

Small tip: To quickly access Sales Navigator from your standard LinkedIn account, simply click on the compass icon at the top right of your page.

how to access linkedin sales navigator

4) Launch the useArtemis Chrome extension

Once your search is done, you only need to launch the Chrome extension that we installed in step 1. To do this, simply click on the useArtemis icon located at the top right of your screen.

useartemis sales navigator extension

If you do not see this icon, click on the puzzle-shaped icon and make sure the useArtemis extension is activated.

When the menu appears, all you have to do is give your export a name. In my case, I simply call it CEO since it is the main keyword of my search.

You can then select the number of pages you want to import. All you have to do now is click on "Import results".

5) Go back to your dashboard

Go to your dashboard and click on the "Prospects" tab.

useArtemis extract sales navigator search

Here I find the list I just exported which contains 25 leads. Click on it to open it.

So, we find all our leads with numerous information such as their name, profile photo, LinkedIn url, job title, company name, connection degree, etc...

The only thing missing is the contact information. To solve this problem, we will enrich our list by clicking on "Start enrichment".

6) Start enrichment

All you have to do now is click on "Start enrichment" at the top of your screen to start an enrichment.

A pop-up at the bottom left of your screen will indicate the progress.

enrichment with useArtemis

Once the process is complete, refresh your page and, as if by magic, it should now contain emails and phone numbers for the majority of your leads.

useArtemis enriched list of leads from Linkedin sales navigator

All email addresses found by useArtemis are verified. When the checkmark is green, it means the address is valid; when it's yellow, it means the target email server accepts all connections, so we can't be 100% sure the email is valid.

Automatically contact your prospects via LinkedIn and Email

Now that we have a list of prospects freshly enriched with emails and phone numbers, let's see how to get in touch with them.

Of all the methods that exist for contacting a prospect, the multichannel option is the most effective.

Multichannel prospecting is more effective for two reasons:

  • It allows you to contact leads whose email you have not found.
  • It demonstrates the strong interest you show to your prospect.

So here's how to create a multichannel campaign from useArtemis to target the list of prospects we just enriched:

1) Go to the "Campaigns" tab  

useartemis multichannel campaign creation

Click on "New Campaign" to create a new campaign. Give it whatever name you want and click on "Create Campaign".

2) Create the sequence of your dreams

All you have to do now is create the campaign of your dreams. Select the list you just created in step 1. You can add as many steps and conditions as you wish.

multichannel prospecting

You can even contact your prospects via several LinkedIn accounts or several different email addresses.

10x LinkedIn Outbound with AI-Personalized Hooks & Replies

Extract and contact leads automatically on Linkedin and Emails with useArtemis.