
How to export leads with emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator [2024]

January 23, 20246 min read

Linkedin Sales Navigator

Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
How to export leads with emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator

When I previously discussed LinkedIn Sales Navigator's pricing, I also covered the advantages and drawbacks of this platform.

Among the disadvantages, a major point was the inability to export leads discovered on LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

But fortunately, there's a solution.

In this article, we'll walk through step-by-step how to extract contacts from LinkedIn Sales Navigator and automatically find their email addresses with useArtemis.

How to Export My Leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator with Their Email Addresses?

As I mentioned earlier, LinkedIn doesn't allow native lead or contact exports.

To achieve this, we'll start by installing this Chrome extension.

Just click "Add to Chrome" to install the Chrome extension.

Now that the extension is installed, we need to carry out the following operations:

  1. Perform a search on LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  2. Export the search results to useArtemis
  3. Enrich the exported results And all this in less than 3 minutes, mind you.

1) Perform a Search on LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Go to LinkedIn Sales Navigator and conduct a search. In this example, I'm searching for Sales in the Lyon region.

Sales Navigator returns more than 26k results, so we have plenty to work with.

2) Export Search Results to useArtemis

Once my search is completed, I click on the useArtemis icon in the top right corner of my browser.

If you don't see the useArtemis icon, you can click on the puzzle-shaped icon. You should find useArtemis in the dropdown menu that appears.

If you still can't find the extension, go to this link: Chrome extensions

And make sure that the extension is activated as shown below:

You can now give a name to your export. In my case, I'll call it "sales-lyon". Then I click on "Import results".

Note that you can select the number of pages you want to import, and it may be necessary to refine your search on Sales Navigator for more relevant results.

Once we've clicked on "Import results", we can return to useArtemis to monitor our export progress.

After a few seconds, the export starts and a pop-up indicates its progress at the bottom left of the screen.

Once the export is finished, we simply click on it to open the list of leads exported from Sales Navigator.

Amazing, isn't it? We just extracted leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator in under two minutes.

Our list now contains the following fields:

  • Name
  • First name
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Job title
  • Company
  • Profile photo
  • etc ...

But we can do much better since useArtemis's strength is enrichment. Enrichment allows us to find almost anyone's email address using their name and company name or from their LinkedIn profile.

3) How to Get the Emails of My Leads on LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Now that we've done the bulk of the work, all that remains is to enrich our lead list. To do this, we simply click on "Start enrichment"

As when exporting our leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, we can follow the process's progress thanks to the pop-up in the bottom left.

Enrichment is generally quite fast. In my case, my list consists of 125 leads, and the enrichment lasted about 2 minutes.

All I have to do now is refresh the page to discover the email addresses that useArtemis has found for my contacts.

Everything is there. We have successfully extracted leads from Sales Navigator thanks to the Chrome extension, and then enriched them from the useArtemis application.

Why Use useArtemis to Extract LinkedIn Sales Navigator Leads?

You may be wondering why to use useArtemis instead of another tool to extract leads from Sales Navigator?

And that's a valid question, after all.

Here's why useArtemis is the best tool to extract and enrich your Sales Navigator leads:

  • Execution speed: It takes useArtemis just a few seconds to extract an entire complex search on LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
  • Security: We pay special attention to the security of your account. Our robots simulate human behavior to avoid attracting LinkedIn's attention.
  • Cloud functions: With useArtemis, you don't need to leave your browser open. Launch the extraction and go out for a coffee, we'll take care of the rest! Everything is in the cloud with proxies and everything necessary to protect your account.
  • Enrichment quality: In addition to finding most of your leads' emails, useArtemis checks them in real time thanks to its integrated email verifier. Say goodbye to unsolicited spam landings! In our example, useArtemis managed to find the email of 79% of the leads, i.e., 99 emails found on 125 leads.

How to Automatically Contact My Leads on LinkedIn?

Extracting and enriching is good, but we can do even better.

What if I told you that we can launch a campaign targeting the list of leads we just extracted, to automatically contact our leads on LinkedIn and by email?

This is what we call multichannel prospecting, and it's by far the most effective method for building a relationship with your prospects.

To start, go to the "Campaigns" tab

Then click on "New Campaign"

Give a name to your campaign and click on "Create campaign".

We're now on the campaign creator. Here, you'll be able to create personalized sequences to automatically contact your leads.

Note that if you want to use the email feature, you'll need to connect an email account from settings/emailaccounts.

The "Campaign" tool allows you to perform different actions:

  • LinkedIn Visit: A visit from your LinkedIn account to the lead's profile. This is generally a good way to make initial contact since the lead will receive a notification that you visited their profile.
  • LinkedIn Invite: LinkedIn invitations can also be automated. You can also use our OpenAI integration to generate a personalized email for each lead.
  • LinkedIn Message: Messages can only be sent to leads who are already in your relations. It is preferable to use the "Is in my relation" condition to ensure that the lead is not already in your relations.
  • Delay: This is simply a pause time between two tasks.
  • Email: Send an email to your lead.
  • Conditions: Currently, you can add 2 conditions in your campaigns. The "is in my relation" condition will check whether the lead is part of your LinkedIn relations. And the "has sent a LinkedIn message" condition allows checking if the lead has sent you a message in the past.

Select the List You Want to Target

To start, you need to select a list of leads to target.

So we're going to target our "sales-lyon" list that we extracted from LinkedIn Sales Navigator earlier.

And then it's up to you to create the sequence of your dreams.

10x LinkedIn Outbound with AI-Personalized Hooks & Replies

Extract and contact leads automatically on Linkedin and Emails with useArtemis.