
[Guide] How to log in to LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

July 22, 20235 min read

Linkedin Sales Navigator

Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
linkedin sales navigator login

If you have read our latest articles, you may have decided to take the plunge and subscribe to LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

This is probably the best decision you can make to find new prospects and boost your lead generation.

PS: We have a small bonus reserved for you at the end of the article: How to export and enrich your Sales Navigator leads.

How to subscribe to LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

First of all, to log into LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you must subscribe to a membership or a trial period.

If you don't have a subscription yet, LinkedIn will certainly point this out to you.

subscribe to sales navigator

Here, we count no fewer than three calls to action to test Sales Navigator. Click on any of them.

You will then be redirected to the pricing page, which offers two different subscriptions.

Choose a Sales Navigator subscription

If you want a detailed comparison of the different offers, we have written an article about LinkedIn Sales Navigator rates.

sales navigator rates

If you don't want to bother reading this article and want to go straight to the point, then opt for the LinkedIn Sales Navigator Core offer.

Here is a summary of the features offered by this plan:

  • Advanced search on prospects and companies
  • Alerts on your prospects and registered accounts
  • Creation of custom lists
  • 50 inMail credits

In summary, Sales Navigator Core offers, in addition to access to the Sales Navigator platform, the ability to do research with a lot of filters, alerts when your prospects undergo any change, the ability to create your lead lists. And finally, 50 InMail credits.

InMails are in a way private messages that you can send to anyone on LinkedIn. 50 may seem small, indeed, but we have concocted a little tip: How to send unlimited inMails?

Enter your payment details

You will then arrive on the payment page, where you must enter your payment details.

Pay attention to one detail, the annual payment is selected by default. So, think about selecting "Every month" if you don't want to be charged $1000 all at once in a month.

sales navigator annual

LinkedIn asks for your payment details but you will not be debited before the date mentioned under the total.

sales nav login

In my case, I won't be charged until August 21, 2023.

Once your order is verified, you will then be redirected to the Sales Navigator platform.

Now you may be wondering how to access Sales Navigator from your LinkedIn account. This is what we will see in the next part.

How to log in to LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

1) Log in to your LinkedIn account

To log into LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you must first log into your standard LinkedIn account.

To do this, go to LinkedIn.

On this page, all you have to do is enter your login credentials or connect via Google or Facebook if you have chosen to connect via a third-party application.

Once these details are entered, click on "Sign in".

You will then land on your LinkedIn homepage with your news feed and notifications.

linkedin homepage

But still no sign of Sales Navigator, right? Don't worry, we're almost there!

2) Choose your method of accessing Sales Navigator

To access Sales Navigator, LinkedIn suggests two different methods. You can click on "Go to Sales Navigator" on the left side of your screen under your profile.

access sales navigator from linkedin

If your display is different from mine, don't panic. Depending on the country or version of LinkedIn, the display may differ. In this case, look at the top right of your screen, you should see the Sales Navigator logo.

access sales nav from linkedin

You will then be redirected to the Sales Navigator platform.

sales navigator homepage

Here, you can conduct your Sales Navigator searches and access your lead lists.

How to cancel your LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscription?

If you do not want to be debited at the end of your trial period or simply do not want to continue the adventure with Sales Navigator, you can cancel your subscription with a few clicks.

To do this, from the Sales Navigator platform, open the drop-down menu at the top right by clicking on your profile picture, then click on "Settings".

cancel sales navigator subscription

On the next page, all you have to do is click on "Cancel subscription". Your subscription will then be suspended and you will not be debited by LinkedIn if your trial period has not yet expired.

cancel sales navigator

Now that you have a Sales Navigator account and know how to log in, let's get down to the heart of the matter: How to export your Sales Navigator leads and enrich them.

To do this, we will use useArtemis to extract search results via the Chrome extension, and then we will automatically enrich the leads via our dashboard.

1) Register on useArtemis

Go to useArtemis and register. You can test the tool for free for 14 days.

2) Install the Chrome extension

To do this, go here and click on "Add to Chrome".

useartemis chrome extension

Once the extension is added, you should have a small useArtemis logo at the top right of your window.

3) Do a search on Sales Navigator

In my case, I search for "CEO".

Once the results appear, I launch the Chrome extension.

export sales nav search

The extension will then ask you to name your list and choose the number of pages you want to export. In our case, we will export 5 pages. Then click on "Import results".

4) Enrich your list from useArtemis

All that remains is to return to our useArtemis dashboard, then go to the "Prospects" tab.

linkedin scraper useartemis

And voila! Here is our list of leads freshly scraped from Sales Navigator enriched with email addresses.

Note that useArtemis also extracts Twitter profiles of your leads as well as other valuable information such as:

  • Is the profile premium?
  • Is the profile open? (These are profiles to which you can send unlimited InMails).
  • Is the profile job seeking?
  • The degree of relationship etc...

And to go further, you can go to the "Campaigns" tab to launch a multichannel campaign to contact your leads automatically.

10x LinkedIn Outbound with AI-Personalized Hooks & Replies

Extract and contact leads automatically on Linkedin and Emails with useArtemis.