
5+ Top Websites to Buy Leads in 2023

May 16, 202314 min read
Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis

In this hyper-competitive business landscape, generating quality leads is the lifeblood of any successful enterprise. It's not just about finding any leads but identifying the right ones that drive conversions and skyrocket your ROI. One effective strategy that many businesses use is to buy leads.

When you decide to buy leads, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what you're getting into. You're not just purchasing names and contact information. You're investing in potential customers, potential growth, and potential success. However, it's not as simple as it sounds. You need to know where to buy leads online, how to evaluate the quality of the leads, and how to maximize their ROI.

There are many places where you can buy leads, but not all of them provide quality leads. A bad lead can cost you more than just money—it can also cost you time and reputation. To avoid this pitfall, you should always consider the best places to buy leads.

Enter the Leading Contenders

Let's explore some of the best places to buy leads. Some notable lead vendors include,  Salesfully,, Aeroleads, LeadMine, Lead411, and Lusha.

1. useArtemis

useArtemis is a comprehensive lead generation platform that offers a range of tools to help businesses find high-quality leads.

With features such as LinkedIn scraping, data enrichment, and multichannel outreach campaigns, useArtemis provides a complete solution for lead generation. It offers affordable pricing plans, verified emails, and a fast enrichment process, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to boost their lead generation efforts.


  • Comprehensive suite of lead generation tools, including LinkedIn scraping, data enrichment, and multichannel outreach campaigns.
  • Affordable pricing plans with options for different credit amounts to suit various business needs.
  • High-quality leads with verified emails and safe data.
  • Fast enrichment process for efficient lead generation.
  • B2B database for finding new leads.


  • Limited access to multichannel outreach campaigns only available with the two biggest pricing plans.
  • Limited information available on specific features and functionalities on the website.

2. is a popular tool for finding email addresses associated with specific domains.

It offers a user-friendly platform and various features such as email verification and tracking. integrates with CRM systems and provides an API for developers.

While primarily focused on email search, it can be useful for businesses looking to find contact information for their leads.


  • Easy-to-use platform for finding email addresses associated with specific domains.
  • Offers various features, including email verification and email tracking.
  • Integrates with popular CRM systems and other tools.
  • Provides a free plan with limited access for small-scale needs.
  • Offers an API for developers to integrate with their applications.


  • Primarily focused on email search, limiting the scope of lead generation.
  • Limited access to advanced features in the free plan.
  • Relies on the availability and accuracy of public data sources.

3. Salesfully

Salesfully offers businesses access to a large database of business leads.

It provides filters and targeting options to find specific leads based on various criteria.

Users can export leads to CRM or other platforms and access detailed lead profiles and contact information.

While pricing information is not readily available, Salesfully can be a useful tool for businesses looking for a wide range of lead data.


  • Provides access to a large database of business leads.
  • Offers filters and targeting options to find specific leads.
  • Allows users to export leads to CRM or other platforms.
  • Provides detailed lead profiles and contact information.


  • Limited information available on pricing plans without signing up.
  • Relatively higher pricing compared to some other lead generation tools.
  • May require additional research to verify lead data accuracy.

4. offers a suite of lead generation tools, including an email finder, verifier, and sender.

With a Chrome extension for easy access, simplifies the process of finding and verifying email addresses.

It also provides email automation features and integrates with popular CRM systems and other tools.

While some features may require separate subscriptions or additional costs, can be a valuable tool for businesses focused on email-based lead generation.


  • Offers a range of lead generation tools, including email finder, verifier, and sender.
  • Provides a Chrome extension for easy access to lead generation features.
  • Offers email automation features for effective lead nurturing.
  • Integrates with popular CRM systems and other tools.
  • Provides a free plan with limited access for small-scale needs.


  • Some features may require separate subscriptions or additional costs.
  • Limited access to advanced features in the free plan.
  • Relies on the availability and accuracy of public data sources.

Each of these platforms offers a unique value proposition. Some offer exclusive leads, while others specialize in local lead providers or small business leads. But one platform stands out for its comprehensive suite of tools and affordable lead options: useArtemis.

Introducing useArtemis: The Complete Lead Generation Solution

useArtemis is more than just a place to buy leads—it's a complete lead generation and management platform.

It allows you to scrape LinkedIn and LinkedIn Sales Navigator search results to generate leads, enrich data, and even enrich CSV files with emails and phone numbers.

The Chrome extension allows you to find contact details of LinkedIn profiles and scrape LinkedIn search results.

What sets useArtemis apart is the quality of the leads.

All emails are verified and safe, and the enrichment process is speedy, ensuring you get the leads you need when you need them.

Plus, they offer a B2B database that you can browse to find new leads.

When it comes to pricing, useArtemis offers affordable options.

For $49, you get 2000 credits, $99 for 7000 credits, and $129 for 35000 credits. All plans give you access to the Chrome extension, prospecting platform, domain search, and email verifier.

The two biggest plans also give you access to multichannel outreach campaigns, a feature that can enhance your lead nurturing best practices.

Expert Tips on How to Buy Leads

When buying leads, several key considerations can help ensure you get the most bang for your buck. Here are some lead buying tips to guide you:

Understand your target market: Before you purchase leads, you need to understand your target audience fully. It will help you buy targeted leads, which are more likely to convert.

Evaluate lead quality: Not all leads are created equal. You need to evaluate the lead quality before making a purchase. Factors to consider include the lead's industry, job role, company size, and location.

Consider legal considerations: When buying leads, you need to be aware of legal considerations, especially concerning data protection and privacy laws. Always ensure that your lead vendors comply with applicable regulations to avoid legal complications.

Maximize lead ROI: You can do this by effectively nurturing your leads and converting them into sales. This process involves understanding your leads' needs and offering solutions that meet these needs.

The Art of Converting Leads to Sales

Once you've purchased high-quality leads, the next step is to convert them into sales. This process often involves a series of steps, including initial contact, follow-up, and finally, making the sale.

To convert leads to sales effectively, it's crucial to understand your leads' pain points and how your product or service can resolve them. This understanding allows you to craft compelling messages that resonate with your leads and motivate them to take action.

For instance, if you're a startup looking to buy leads, useArtemis's chrome extension might be an excellent tool for you. It allows you to scrape LinkedIn profiles and find contact details quickly, saving you precious time and resources.

The Cost of Lead Generation

One important aspect to consider when buying leads is the cost. Lead generation costs can vary widely depending on the vendor, the quality of the leads, and the industry.

While it might be tempting to go for the cheapest option, it's essential to remember that cheap leads often equate to low-quality leads. Instead, consider the value that the leads can bring to your business.

useArtemis, for instance, provides high-quality leads at competitive prices. The credits system allows you to control your lead generation costs and ensure you're getting value for your money.

Evaluating the Quality of Leads

Quality is everything when it comes to leads. High-quality leads are more likely to convert into sales, bringing in more revenue for your business.

One way to evaluate lead quality is by using useArtemis's email verifier tool. This tool verifies each email to ensure it's valid and safe, giving you peace of mind and saving you time and effort.

The Importance of Lead Generation in the Digital Age

In the digital age, where businesses are vying for the attention of potential customers, lead generation has taken center stage. It's no longer enough to have a great product or service; you also need to reach out and attract the right audience.

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects into leads. These are individuals who have shown interest in your company's product or service in some way. The goal of lead generation is to create a sales pipeline, enabling your business to nurture the leads until they're ready to buy.

The Benefits of Buying Leads

There are numerous benefits to buying leads for your business. One of the most significant advantages is that it saves time. Generating leads organically can be a time-consuming process, especially if you're a small business or a startup with limited resources. Buying leads allows you to get a head start, providing you with a list of potential customers right off the bat.

Moreover, buying leads can help to diversify your lead sources. It's risky to rely solely on one source of leads, as changes in market conditions or platform algorithms can suddenly dry up your lead flow. By buying leads from different vendors, you can mitigate this risk and ensure a steady flow of leads.

Furthermore, when you buy leads from a reputable vendor like useArtemis, you can be confident in the quality of the leads. With useArtemis's email verifier, you can ensure that the emails are valid and safe, reducing the risk of bounce-backs or being marked as spam.

What to Look for When Buying Leads

Not all leads are created equal. When you're buying leads, there are several factors to consider to ensure you're getting the best quality leads.

Industry relevance: The leads should be relevant to your industry. There's no point in buying leads for the automotive industry if you're in the software business.

Demographic information: The more information you have about the leads, the better. Information such as age, gender, location, and job role can help you target your marketing efforts more effectively.

Lead freshness: The fresher the lead, the better. If a lead has been sitting in a database for months, they're less likely to be interested in your offering.

Legal compliance: The lead vendor should be compliant with data protection and privacy laws. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues and damage to your brand reputation.

Mastering the Art of Lead Nurturing

Once you've bought your leads, the work is not over. The next step is to nurture these leads into customers. This process, known as lead nurturing, is critical to converting leads into sales.

Lead nurturing involves building relationships with your leads and providing them with the information and resources they need to make a purchase decision. It's not about hard selling but about demonstrating the value of your product or service and showing how it can solve the lead's problem.

One effective lead nurturing strategy is email marketing. With useArtemis's multichannel outreach feature, you can reach out to your leads via email and engage them with relevant and personalized content.

Another strategy is to offer free resources such as eBooks, webinars, or trial offers. These resources can provide value to your leads, build trust, and move them further down the sales funnel.

Lead Generation for Startups: A Game Changer

For startups, lead generation can be a game changer. With limited resources and a need to grow quickly, startups can benefit significantly from buying leads.

By buying leads, startups can quickly build a list of potential customers and begin their marketing efforts immediately. This strategy allows startups to hit the ground running and start driving revenue much quicker than they could with organic lead generation alone.

Buying leads can also help startups understand their target market better. The demographic and professional information that comes with the leads can provide valuable insights into who their potential customers are and what they're interested in. This knowledge can help startups tailor their products, services, and marketing messages to better fit their target audience's needs.

However, it's essential for startups to buy leads from reputable vendors that comply with all legal considerations. Startups, especially, cannot afford the reputational damage or potential legal issues that could arise from using leads that have not been legally and ethically sourced.

The Impact of Lead Generation on ROI

The ultimate goal of lead generation, whether through organic methods or buying leads, is to increase your return on investment (ROI). High-quality leads that are effectively nurtured and converted into customers can provide a significant boost to your revenue and ROI.

However, it's essential to track and measure the results of your lead generation efforts to understand their impact on your ROI. Metrics to monitor include the number of leads generated, the conversion rate of leads to customers, and the cost per lead. These metrics can help you understand the effectiveness of your lead generation strategies and identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, you should continuously evaluate the quality of your leads. Low-quality leads that do not convert into customers can lower your ROI and waste valuable time and resources. Regularly evaluating the quality of your leads and adjusting your strategies accordingly can help maximize your lead ROI.

Lead Generation Strategies for Different Business Sizes

Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, lead generation is critical to your success. However, the strategies that work best may vary depending on your business size and resources.

Small businesses: Small businesses may have limited resources for lead generation. As such, buying leads can be an effective strategy to quickly build a list of potential customers. Additionally, small businesses can benefit from local lead providers who offer leads in a specific geographic area.

Medium businesses: As a medium-sized business, you may have more resources to dedicate to lead generation. In addition to buying leads, you can also invest in content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing to generate leads organically.

Large corporations: Large corporations typically have the resources to implement a comprehensive lead generation strategy that includes both organic lead generation and buying leads. They can also invest in advanced lead nurturing and conversion strategies to maximize their lead ROI.

The Future of Lead Generation

Lead generation is constantly evolving, with new technologies and strategies continually emerging. One trend that's gaining traction is the use of AI and machine learning in lead generation.

Platforms like useArtemis are leveraging these technologies to provide more accurate and targeted leads. For example, useArtemis's LinkedIn scraper uses AI to scrape LinkedIn profiles and generate leads based on specific criteria.

As we look to the future, businesses that can adapt to these changes and implement the latest lead generation strategies will be best positioned to attract, engage, and convert their target audience.


In the competitive world of business, buying leads has become an essential strategy for many companies. It saves time, diversifies lead sources, and provides a head start in the race to win over potential customers. However, buying leads is just the beginning. Effective lead nurturing and conversion strategies are crucial to turn these leads into customers and achieve a high ROI. With a reputable lead vendor like useArtemis and the right strategies in place, your business can reach new heights of success.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What are the advantages of buying leads?

A: Buying leads offers several advantages.

It saves time and resources by providing a ready-made list of potential customers.

It allows businesses to diversify lead sources, ensuring a steady flow of leads.

Buying leads can also provide access to specific industries or target demographics that may be challenging to reach organically.

Q: How do lead generation companies generate and qualify leads for sale?

A: Lead generation companies use various methods to generate leads, including web scraping, social media mining, content marketing, and partnerships.

Once generated, leads are often qualified through data verification, where contact information is validated and enriched with additional data points.

Companies may also employ lead scoring techniques to evaluate lead quality based on predetermined criteria.

Q: What industries commonly buy leads?

A: Many industries can benefit from buying leads.

Common examples include insurance, real estate, finance, education, home services, and B2B services.

However, lead purchase can be useful for businesses across various sectors, depending on their specific target audience and marketing objectives.

Q: Are the purchased leads exclusive or shared with other businesses?

A: This varies depending on the lead provider and the arrangement made.

Some lead providers offer exclusive leads, meaning they are sold to only one business.

Others may sell shared leads, where multiple businesses have access to the same leads.

It's essential to clarify this aspect with the lead provider before making a purchase.

Q: How can I ensure the quality and relevance of the purchased leads?

A: To ensure the quality and relevance of purchased leads, consider working with reputable lead providers that have a track record of delivering high-quality leads.

Ask about their data sources, verification processes, and lead enrichment techniques.

Request sample leads or reviews from other customers.

Additionally, clearly communicate your specific criteria and target audience to the lead provider to receive leads that align with your needs.

Q: What factors should I consider when choosing a lead provider?

A: When choosing a lead provider, consider factors such as lead quality, reputation, data sources, pricing, customer support, and the provider's ability to meet your specific lead generation requirements.

Look for providers that offer transparency, have positive customer reviews, and align with your industry or target audience.

Q: Can I specify the demographics or criteria for the leads I want to purchase?

A: Yes, many lead providers allow you to specify the demographics and criteria for the leads you want to purchase.

This can include factors such as industry, job role, geographic location, company size, or specific interests.

Clearly communicate your criteria to the lead provider to receive leads that match your target audience.

Q: What are the typical pricing models for buying leads?

A: Pricing models for buying leads can vary among providers.

Common models include credits-based systems, where you purchase a set number of credits that can be exchanged for leads, and subscription-based models, where you pay a recurring fee for access to a specific number of leads per month.

Some providers may also offer customized pricing based on your specific needs.

Q: Are there any legal considerations or regulations when purchasing leads?

A: Yes, there are legal considerations when purchasing leads.

It's essential to ensure that the lead provider complies with data protection and privacy laws.

Familiarize yourself with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) to ensure compliance.

Additionally, verify that the lead provider has obtained consent from the leads for their data to be shared with third parties.

Q: How can I maximize the conversion rate of purchased leads?

A: To maximize the conversion rate of purchased leads, consider implementing effective lead nurturing strategies.

Personalize your communication, provide valuable content, and engage leads through various channels such as email, social media, or phone calls.

Develop a strong follow-up process to stay in touch with leads and address their specific needs.

Continuously track and analyze the performance of your leads to identify areas for improvement and optimize your conversion strategies.

Additionally, ensure seamless coordination between your marketing and sales teams to provide a smooth transition for leads from marketing to the sales funnel.

Regularly review and refine your lead qualification criteria to ensure you are targeting the most relevant and high-potential leads.

By focusing on effective lead nurturing and a well-defined sales process, you can increase the conversion rate and maximize the ROI of your purchased leads.

10x LinkedIn Outbound with AI-Personalized Hooks & Replies

Extract and contact leads automatically on Linkedin and Emails with useArtemis.