
[Guide] LinkedIn Private Mode, all you need to know

December 15, 20234 min read
Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
linkedin private mode compete guide

Did you know that the renowned professional social network LinkedIn offers a private mode? This feature has numerous benefits... but also a few drawbacks. In the lines to come, we will precisely discuss this option.

How do you switch to private mode? Is it wise to "switch" to this alternative? If so, when? Of course, everyone will tailor their experience according to their needs. Their expectations. But understanding this mechanism will help you optimize your use of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn's private mode: what is it?

Some internet users might be hesitant to sign up for the professional network LinkedIn, fearing that their prospecting (searching for potential employees, clients, etc.) might be exposed.

In response to this issue, the company decided to create the semi-private mode, and its stricter version, the private mode. A way to enhance the confidentiality of profiles.

linkedin private mode settings

In this case, we're not talking about what appears on your profile, even though there are several settings to adjust according to the degree of relationship (for example, you determine who can see your email address).

The semi-private or private mode being discussed here concerns your visibility when viewing profiles.

Private mode on LinkedIn: an example of use

Imagine you are a human resources manager within a company. You want to view several profiles.

Possibly, you will contact some people.

But you fear receiving a flood of messages, spontaneous applications if all active users notice your approach.

The semi-private and private modes avoid this influx. Thanks to them, you manage your professional networking more peacefully.

linkedin private and semi private mode


  • In semi-private mode, the prospect (a term also used in the context of potential hiring) will receive only one type of information, namely the industry sector. Their notification will resemble: "Someone from the Hospitality sector (Paris) viewed your profile".
  • In private mode, no specific information is conveyed.
    If neither of these two alternatives is chosen, the potential employee will see your name and your sector of activity. The rest depends on what you generally share.

What are the advantages of LinkedIn's private mode?

Now that we've explained the principle, here's why private mode seems interesting when using the LinkedIn network, at least depending on the circumstances:

  • You can develop your network more targetedly. Knowing that obviously, your anonymity disappears when you send a message to a user. In the meantime, you leave no trace.
  • You limit potential access to your profile, in order to maintain a certain discretion. Indeed, in "normal" mode, you constantly expose yourself, especially through the play of notifications.
  • Potential clients (in the context of a market study, for example) don't feel invaded. You protect the credibility and subtlety of your marketing approaches.

Of course, there are also a few downsides to consider.

What are the disadvantages and limitations of LinkedIn's private mode?

If you choose to activate LinkedIn's semi-private mode or its private counterpart, keep in mind the following trade-offs:

  • You distance yourself from any spontaneous feedback: if you are actively seeking an employee, for example, responses will be limited to targets. The overall dynamic is affected.
  • Your confidentiality also implies that of others. In private mode, you do not have the ability to know who viewed your profile. This also applies to holders of a premium account (the latter allowing, when visibility is at its maximum, to discover who visited the page during the last 90 days).

This last point is anecdotal, but interesting: constantly switching to private mode amounts to not really... "playing the game" of the LinkedIn network. It is a platform for professional networking. If everyone hid their activities, the concept would lose much of its interest. So consider using private mode... in moderation!

How to switch to private mode on LinkedIn?

It's really simple to "switch" to private mode. A few clicks are enough: you need to modify the privacy settings of your profile. Here are the steps to follow.

Access your profile: Click on your profile picture or the "You" icon at the top of the homepage of the famous network.
Several sections then appear, in the form of a dropdown menu. The one we are interested in here is "Preferences and Privacy".

switch to private mode on linkedin

Now in the left menu, select "Visibility". You should then see a wide range of lines. The first one allows you to enter the private mode menu ("Profile viewing options").

settings for private mode LinkedIn

Here we are at the last step of the process. Three linkedin private modes are available:

linkedin privacy options

The first is the most classic. Users know that you see them, and vice versa.

The second only indicates your industry sector (this is what we called semi-private mode).

The third offers the most complete anonymity, in other words, the private mode.

Using private mode on LinkedIn: a question of balance?

Although it is the least "technical" drawback, the one related to the sense given to the experience is thought-provoking. In other words, is it really consistent to explore a networking site "undercover"?

Everyone should feel free to answer this question. From our side, we recommend a hybrid approach. LinkedIn's private mode has a very practical dimension. It saves time and rationalizes certain steps.

On the other hand, it goes a bit against the "spirit" of LinkedIn when activated continuously.

In any case, nothing beats "field" experience to measure your privacy preferences. Now, it's up to you to determine your comfort zone... even if it means changing strategy later on.

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