
LinkedIn Invites, Messages what are the new limits [2023]

October 23, 20233 min read
Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis

If you're prospecting through LinkedIn, you've likely encountered the restrictions set by the platform.

LinkedIn is the world's largest B2B database with no less than 830 million members. So, it's no surprise that the platform is a goldmine for Sales teams looking to prospect.

Tools like useArtemis help automate LinkedIn prospecting by, for example, automating the sending of invites, messages, and visiting the profiles of your leads.

However, to effectively use such tools, it's essential to be aware of LinkedIn's limitations and best practices. This is to avoid receiving a warning or even a permanent ban from the platform.

In this article, we'll discuss the new limitations set by LinkedIn starting from October 2023 under different scenarios.

If your LinkedIn account is new and you're not very active

Firstly, if your LinkedIn account is just a few weeks old and you rarely use it, you must start by warming it up.

How do I warm up my LinkedIn account?

To warm up your LinkedIn account, you have several options:

  1. Spend a few minutes every day manually interacting with other creators' content on the platform. Like posts, reply to messages, etc.
  2. Alternatively, initiate an automated prospecting campaign on LinkedIn with useArtemis, keeping limits low.

For beginners, 20 visits, 10 invites, and 5 messages daily are ideal. Start with these settings for 15 days and then gradually increase.

To start an automated LinkedIn prospecting campaign, check out this video:

Once your account is warmed up, you can slowly increase your activity up to these limits:

linkedin limits 2023

In general, it's advised not to exceed:

  • 100 visits per day.
  • 250 invites per week (roughly 30 per day).
  • 120 messages per day.

If you have a free LinkedIn account

As of October 2023, LinkedIn revised its policy regarding invite limitations. Now, there are restrictions on the notes you can send with an invite from a free account.

Previously, there was no difference between sending invites with or without notes.

Now, LinkedIn allows a maximum of 10 invites with notes per week for users of the free version.

For standard LinkedIn users (free version), the following limits apply:

  • 100 visits per day.
  • 250 invites per week WITHOUT a note.
  • 10 invites per week WITH a note.
  • Notes are limited to 200 characters.
  • 120 messages per day.

For comparison, LinkedIn premium users can send 250 invites with notes per week. To learn more about LinkedIn premium.

If you're a LinkedIn premium customer

If you've wisely subscribed to LinkedIn premium or LinkedIn Sales Navigator, your limits will be higher.

You'll be able to send 250 invites with notes per week, and your notes will have a 300-character limit, compared to the 200-character limit for standard LinkedIn users.

For LinkedIn premium users, the following limits apply:

  • 100 visits per day.
  • 250 invites per week with a note.
  • Notes are capped at 300 characters.
  • 120 messages per day.

As you can see, if you're prospecting on LinkedIn with tools like useArtemis, Waalaxy, or any other prospecting tool, it's highly recommended to get a LinkedIn premium subscription to significantly boost your campaign conversion rates.

Which LinkedIn premium subscription should you choose?

We've written a detailed article to help you choose among the plethora of LinkedIn premium offerings.

In summary, if your sole purpose is to increase the number of note-bearing invites you send, we suggest the LinkedIn Premium Career subscription for $30 per month.

This offer allows you to see who views your profile, send a few inMails each month, and also send longer and more notes with your invites.

BUT, if you truly want to maximize your prospecting power, we highly recommend the LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscription.

This subscription gives you access to the Sales Navigator platform, which allows for much more targeted searches, list creation, etc. It's a no-brainer.

How to adjust the limits of my LinkedIn campaign?

Now that you're familiar with the limits of your LinkedIn package, you can customize your useArtemis campaign.

To do this, click on "Settings".

Then adjust the visits, invites, and messages as you see fit.

10x LinkedIn Outbound with AI-Personalized Hooks & Replies

Extract and contact leads automatically on Linkedin and Emails with useArtemis.