
Follow-up Email with No Response: 10 Copy-Paste Examples That Work

May 18, 202414 min read


Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
Follow-up Email with No Response

You sent an email to a prospect, a client, a recruiter, or a partner, and you are still waiting for a response? Are you wondering how to follow up with your recipient effectively, without seeming too pushy or, on the other hand, too passive?

What tone to use? What subject to write to capture attention? And most importantly, what content to write to encourage a response?

This article offers you 10 examples of impactful follow-up emails, designed for various professional situations. You can use them as they are or adapt them to perfectly match your situation. You will find that each of these emails follows key principles to increase your chances of getting a response.

Besides these templates, we will also share some additional tips to maximize the chances of receiving a response to your follow-up email.

If your goal is to follow up with a prospect, a client, a recruiter, or a partner, you will find in this article all the necessary information to write an effective follow-up email. Let yourself be guided!

Principles for an Effective Follow-Up Email

A follow-up email is much more than a simple reminder. It opens a window of opportunity to strengthen your connection with the recipient, provide added value, and encourage action. The key lies in applying fundamental principles that will make your follow-up email a professional, relevant, and impactful tool.

Here are the most important ones:

Personalization of the Email

Personalization is crucial to captivate your recipient, showing genuine interest in their person and professional context. A personalized follow-up email greatly increases your chances of having your message not only opened and read but also receiving a response. For this, you can:

  • Use the name, first name, or professional title of your contact.
  • Remind the context of your last exchange, mentioning the date, subject, as well as the discussed needs or goals.
  • Adapt the tone and style of your message to align with your contact's profile, industry, and culture.
  • Offer added value, such as exclusive content, a special offer, or a customer testimonial.

Clarity and Conciseness

To be effective, a follow-up email must be characterized by its clarity and conciseness. It should be direct, without excess information or unnecessary digressions.

Here is how to proceed:

  • Organize your message into short and spaced-out paragraphs, using simple sentences and carefully chosen words.
  • Use bullet points, numbers, and bold keywords to make reading easier and highlight crucial information.
  • Clearly express your goal, value proposition, and call to action by using action verbs and persuasive language.
  • Carefully proofread to correct any spelling, grammar, or syntax errors.

The Importance of the Email Subject

The subject of your email is the first thing your recipient sees. It plays a crucial role in the decision to open your message or not, so it must be carefully crafted to be catchy, relevant, and clear.

To this end, it is advised to:

  • Include the name or the first name of your contact, or choose a personalized approach mentioning "your project", "your request", etc.
  • Highlight the subject of your email with keywords, numbers, or engaging questions.
  • Create a sense of urgency or curiosity to encourage your recipient to open the email.
  • Ensure that the subject length does not exceed 50 characters to guarantee its readability on all devices.

The perfect timing to follow up

The timing for sending a follow-up email is crucial for its effectiveness. Finding the right balance between being quick to respond and respecting your contact's pace is essential.

Some tips to determine the best time:

  • Follow up quickly, ideally within 24 to 48 hours after the first contact, to keep the interest alive.
  • Maintain an interval of 7 to 10 days between follow-ups to nurture the connection without appearing pushy.
  • Choose the best time of day to send your email, considering the time zone and habits of your recipient, typically in the morning between 8 AM and 10 AM or in the afternoon between 2 PM and 4 PM.
  • Consider your recipient's behavior, using tracking tools, to adjust your message and the frequency of your follow-ups based on their level of interest.
  • On average, it takes 7 follow-ups to get a response. Therefore, do not give up after the first unsuccessful follow-up.

10 Successful Follow-Up Email Examples

In this section, we will show you 10 examples of follow-up emails that have proven successful. They are designed for different professional situations. You can take inspiration from them to create your own follow-up emails, making them unique by adjusting them to your context and specific goals. These examples illustrate well the principles of personalization, clarity, conciseness, a captivating subject line, and well-chosen timing.

Example 1: Follow-up After a Job Application

After applying for an interesting job offer and not hearing back from the recruiter, you want to give new life to your application by highlighting your motivation and what you bring to the position.

Here is an example of a follow-up email after a job application:

Subject: Follow-up on Application - [Job Title]
Hello [Recruiter's Name],
I am reaching out to follow up on my application for the [Job Title] position, submitted on [Date]. I have not yet received a response and would like to know if you have had the chance to review my application.
I remain very interested in the opportunity to join your team, convinced that I am a perfect match for the profile you are seeking. I am confident that I can bring valuable contributions to your company with my [Your strengths].
I would love to discuss my application with you and demonstrate in an interview what I can offer to your organization.
Would you be available for a phone interview next week?
Thank you for your attention. I am available for any additional information.
[Polite closing]

Example 2: Follow-up after a business meeting with no response

If after a business meeting with a prospect, client, or partner, you have not received any feedback, it can be wise to gently follow up with your contact. Highlight the main points of the meeting, offer added value, and request a response.

Example of email:

Subject: Following up on our meeting from [Date]
Hello [Name of Recipient],
I hope you have been well since our meeting on [Date]. I wanted to thank you for the welcome and the interest during our discussion. This conversation has helped me understand your needs better.
As agreed, I have sent you the minutes of our meeting and a personalized proposal regarding [Product or Service]. I haven't received your feedback yet and was wondering if you have had the chance to review them.
Are there any questions or points where you would like more information?
I am also attaching a customer testimonial that highlights the tangible benefits of [Product or Service].
Could you please let me know when you will have the opportunity to provide feedback? Can you confirm that you have received this email?
Thank you in advance for your response and I am fully at your disposal.
[Polite Closing]

Example 3: Follow-Up for an Unanswered Quote

When you have sent a quote without getting a response, it is helpful to follow up by reminding them of the strong points of your offer, creating a sense of urgency, and asking for a confirmation of receipt.

Example of follow-up:

Subject: Your Quote for [Product or Service]
Hello [Recipient's Name],
I am following up on the quote for [Product or Service] sent on [Date], which I haven't received any feedback on yet. I wanted to make sure you received and reviewed our proposal.
I would like to remind you that our quote offers a solution tailored to your needs, with a quality guarantee and responsive after-sales service.
Our offer is valid until [Expiration Date], and I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Could you please confirm the receipt of this message and share your thoughts on our quote?
Thank you in advance for your feedback, and I remain at your disposal.
[Closing Phrase]

Example 4: Reminder to Complete an Incomplete File

If you have received an incomplete file from a prospect, client, or partner, and you need more information to complete it, a polite follow-up can encourage a quick response.

Example of an email:

Subject: Completion of your file for [Product or Service]
Hello [Name of the Recipient],
I wanted to update you on your file regarding [Product or Service], sent on [Date]. Thank you for your interest and trust.
However, it seems that some documents or information are missing:
- [List of missing documents]
These items are essential to finalize your file and provide you with the best possible service.
I encourage you to send us this information as soon as possible. If you need help, feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your cooperation. I remain at your disposal for any questions.
[Closing formula]

Example 5: Follow-up on a Business Proposal

When you have submitted a business proposal and haven't received a response, it is crucial to follow up with your contact. This follow-up should highlight the benefits of your proposal, emphasize testimonials from satisfied customers, and motivate a commitment.

Here is an example of an effective follow-up:

Subject: Follow-up: Your opportunity with [Product or Service]
Hello [Recipient's Name],

I am reaching out to you again about the proposal I sent you on [Date] for [Product or Service], as I have not yet had the pleasure of receiving your feedback.

I want to remind you that our offer presents a unique opportunity for you to benefit from [Benefits of the Offer], allowing you to achieve [Expected Results] in complete safety and with great ease.

To ensure you of the exceptional quality of our offer, I invite you to discover the testimonials from our satisfied customers on [Link or Testimonials Page]. Their satisfaction and the results obtained with [Product or Service] will surely convince you.

Why wait any longer to join our satisfied community?

I suggest you make a decision now by confirming your order online or by contacting me directly by phone or email. Note that our offer is limited in time and includes a 30-day satisfaction or money-back guarantee.

If you have any questions, doubts, or objections, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to answer you and support you in making your decision.

Thank you for your attention, looking forward to your response.


Example 6: Requesting Feedback After an Event

After attending or organizing a professional event, it is wise to ask for feedback from the participants. This allows you to thank them for their presence while gathering useful opinions for future improvements.

Here is an email template to ask for feedback:

Subject: Thank You for Attending [Event Name]
Hello [Recipient's Name],

Following your participation in [Event Name] on [Date], I wanted to personally thank you. I hope the event provided you with valuable insights relevant to your activity.

Your feedback is important to us. Could you please share your level of satisfaction and any suggestions through this quick survey: [Survey URL].

As a token of our appreciation, access an exclusive bonus: [Bonus Name], offering [Bonus Benefit].

Thank you in advance for your feedback, which is essential for improving our future events. To discuss in more detail or for any questions, I remain available.


Example 7: Follow-Up After Downloading Digital Content

After a prospect or customer has downloaded free digital content like an ebook or a guide, it is a good idea to follow up by highlighting the added value of your content and offering a logical next step.

Here is a follow-up email example:

Subject: Congratulations on Downloading [Content Subject]
Hello [Recipient's Name],

Congratulations on downloading our ebook about [Content Subject] on [Date]. I hope you found some useful and valuable information for your project.

Our ebook is made to give you a better understanding of [Content Subject] and to provide practical advice. For more information, I recommend this additional content: [Name and URL of the additional content], offering deeper insights.

Additionally, enjoy an exclusive offer: [Name of the offer], to boost your results.

If this offer interests you or if you would like to discuss more about [Content Subject], I am at your full disposal.

Thank you for your attention, looking forward to your reply.

[Kind Regards],

Example 8: Reminder for a Limited-Time Offer

When you have launched a limited-time promotional offer, a follow-up can encourage your recipient to act quickly. This reminder should highlight the benefits of the offer and create a sense of urgency.

Here is an effective model:

Subject: Last chance for [Offer Name]
Hello [Recipient's Name],

You have only a few hours left to grab the exclusive offer [Offer Name], specifically designed for you. This offer allows you to enjoy [Offer Benefits], valid until [Expiry Date] only.

Don't miss this unique opportunity![Offer URL or button]

The offer expires in [Remaining Time]. Feel free to contact me for any questions or assistance needed.

Thank you for your trust and have a great day.


Example 9: Follow-up after an initial network contact

Meeting someone at a professional event is a perfect opportunity to build a network of contacts. A follow-up email is an effective method to remind them of the context, express your interest, and suggest a next step.

Here is how to do it:

Subject: Continuing our conversation from [Event Name]
Hello [Recipient's Name],

I was delighted to meet you at [Event Name] on [Date]. I found your activities and projects very interesting.

I believe we have a lot to share and that collaboration opportunities might arise from our conversations.

Could we meet again or schedule a call to discuss in more detail? Would you be available next week?

Thank you for your response, and I am open to any request.

[Looking forward to seeing you],

Example 10: Asking for a Confirmation of Attendance to an Event

If you have invited someone to a professional event such as a trade show, seminar, or webinar, it is important to follow up with your guest to remind them of the key information about the event, highlight its value, and get a confirmation of their attendance. Here is an effective email template for this situation:

Subject: Confirm Your Attendance at [Event Name]
Hello [Recipient's Name],

I would like to remind you that you are registered for [Event Name], scheduled on [Date], at [Location]. We are pleased to count you among our participants for this exceptional event, which presents a great opportunity to [Event Benefits].

I also remind you that although participation is free, spaces are limited. It is essential to confirm your attendance to secure your spot and receive your access badge.

Please confirm your participation by clicking on the following link and filling out the form:
[Confirmation URL]

If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so we can release your spot for other participants.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you at [Event Name]. For any questions or special requests, feel free to contact me. I am available for any additional help or information.

[Polite Closing]

Additional Tips to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Response

After discussing how to write an effective follow-up email by following certain essential practices, be aware that there are other strategies to consider for optimizing your follow-up emails. These extra tips can significantly increase your chances of getting a response from your contacts.

Below, find some practical tips that you could incorporate:

Use Email Tracking to Optimize Timing

Choosing the right time to send your follow-up email is crucial. Knowing when to send your message and when to follow up if you don't get a response can make all the difference.

The use of email tracking tools is recommended. These tools inform you if your email has been opened, read, or clicked. This data allows you to adjust your message and the frequency of your follow-ups based on your recipient's actions. If your email is repeatedly opened but remains unanswered, this may indicate an interest from your recipient who might just need a little extra push to respond. Conversely, if your email hasn't been opened, consider waiting before following up, possibly changing the subject line or content of your message to better capture attention.

Vary the communication channels

Emails are not the only way to talk to your contacts. Exploring other channels like phone calls, social media, or instant messaging can enrich your communication strategy. Varying channels helps create multiple points of contact with your audience, without overwhelming them with repetitive messages.

It can be wise to alternate between an email and a phone call, or between an email and a message via LinkedIn, using multichannel prospecting. Text messages can also complement your communication tools, offering a direct way for reminders or confirmations. The key is to choose the most appropriate channel based on the profile of your contact, their industry, or their personal preferences.

Don't be afraid to follow up multiple times, with tact

Following up with a contact who doesn't respond can seem difficult or even discouraging. It is natural to fear disturbing, offending, or pushing your contact away. However, it is essential to understand that following up with tact and respect is not only acceptable but can be seen as a sign of determination and interest.

Various factors can explain why your conversation partner is silent, such as lack of time, forgetfulness, or the need for time to respond. Therefore, persist politely by spacing out your follow-ups wisely and valuing each new interaction, demonstrating your perseverance while respecting everyone's boundaries.

The Importance of Not Applying Pressure

A follow-up email should aim to strengthen the relationship with your contact, not to degrade it. It is crucial to avoid any pressure, blame, threats, or ultimatums, which could be counterproductive and damage your image.

Instead, focus on creating a sense of curiosity, interest, or urgency. For example, you could include positive testimonials, compelling statistics, or highlight the unique benefits of your offer. It is also possible to create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers. However, always act with moderation, without falling into exaggeration or manipulation.


Throughout this article, you have gained the skills needed to write an effective follow-up email that can capture the attention of your professional contacts. We discussed the key elements to include in your communication strategy: personalizing the message, the importance of clarity and conciseness, creating an engaging subject line, and choosing the perfect time to send it.

You have explored 10 examples of follow-up emails that have proven their effectiveness in various professional contexts. Additionally, you have been guided by practical tips to improve the quality of your follow-ups, such as applying email tracking, alternating communication channels, encouraging follow-ups multiple times without exerting unnecessary pressure.

This guide has provided you with all the resources needed to write effective follow-up emails. Now it’s time to put these tips into practice and start sending your messages to prospects, clients, recruiters, or partners. You will soon notice an increase in your responses, your relationships, and ultimately, your success.

If you found this article useful, feel free to share it with your network, leave us a comment, or contact us with any questions. We look forward to contributing to your professional success.


What is a follow-up email with no response and why is it important?

A follow-up email with no response is the act of sending a second message after the first one has not received a reply. This action is crucial because it aims to engage the recipient, to remind them of the benefits of your offer, to show your professionalism, and to increase your chances of getting a positive response.

How to write an effective and personalized follow-up email with no response?

To write an effective and personalized follow-up email with no response, you should:

  • Set the goal of the email and keep it in mind throughout the writing process.
  • Add valuable information or an offer in each new message.
  • Personalize the follow-up by mentioning the recipient's name, recalling the previous context, and offering a solution tailored to their needs.
  • Include a direct and clear call to action, such as an open question, an invitation to a meeting, or a link to a useful resource.
  • Respect an appropriate frequency of sending, generally between 4 and 9 follow-ups depending on the context.

What are the best times to send a follow-up email with no response?

The best times to send a follow-up email with no response are: - Between 48 and 72 hours after first contact or a meeting, giving the recipient enough time to consider your proposal. - In the morning between 8 AM and 10 AM, or in the afternoon between 2 PM and 4 PM, to reach your recipient when they are most available to check and respond to your messages.

How to Avoid Being Too Pushy or Rude in a Follow-up Email Without a Response

To avoid seeming too pushy or rude in your follow-up email without a response, it is advised to follow some essential principles:

  • Select a clear and attractive subject that refers to the initial email and specifies the purpose of the follow-up.
  • Maintain a courteous and professional tone, using simple and appropriate language, while avoiding complicated or too informal phrases.
  • Emphasize the importance and value of your proposal, highlighting the benefits or advantages for the recipient.
  • Define a specific call to action, whether it's a request for a response, a meeting, additional information, or a confirmation.
  • Space out your follow-ups and avoid sending too many emails, which could be perceived as harassment. The ideal number of follow-ups varies but should be between 4 and 9.

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