
How to find and extract Linkedin premium members ? [2024]

January 24, 20245 min read

LinkedIn Premium

Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis

If you are prospecting on LinkedIn, you know how important it is to target the right audience to optimize the performance of your prospecting campaigns.

And if you want to identify LinkedIn users who have subscribed to a LinkedIn Premium subscription, you are in the right place!

Whether on LinkedIn or Sales Navigator, neither platform offers the option to filter search results based on whether the user has a premium subscription or not.

linkedin filter search results based on whether the user has a premium subscription or not

So, you are probably wondering how to find LinkedIn premium members on LinkedIn if this feature is not offered by LinkedIn?

Rest assured, we have the answer to your question!

How to know if someone has LinkedIn premium ?

While it's not possible to directly filter search results on LinkedIn or Sales Navigator, it is still possible to determine whether the members who appear are premium members or not.

Here is how you can tell if someone has Linkedin premium:

How to know if someone has LinkedIn premium on LinkedIn standard ?

When you make a search on LinkedIn, members who have a LinkedIn premium subscription will have a golden LinkedIn icon next to their name.

members who have a LinkedIn premium subscription

This icon is also present when you visit the profile of a user who has a premium subscription.

user who have a linkedin premium

Here we know that Kennith has a LinkedIn premium subscription, but it's impossible to know what type of LinkedIn premium subscription he has. (Yes, there are many)

How to know if someone has linkedin premium on Sales Navigator ?

To know if someone has LinkedIn premium on Sales Navigator, the principle is more or less the same except that everything happens on Sales Navigator.

Start by logging into LinkedIn Sales Navigator, then we will do a search.

know if someone has LinkedIn premium on Sales Navigator

And voila, here again, we find the famous golden icons that indicate the members who have a premium subscription.

What is the point in finding LinkedIn premium members?

If your product, SaaS, or training is aimed at businesses (B2B), users who have a LinkedIn Premium account are an excellent indicator.

Indeed, generally, users who have a LinkedIn premium subscription work for companies that generate enough profit to be able to pay for these subscriptions, so they will probably be more inclined to subscribe to your offer.

In our case, useArtemis is a prospecting software that scrapes LinkedIn and automates prospecting. So, we are generally 100% sure that people who have a LinkedIn premium subscription could be interested in useArtemis.

Automating the Extraction of LinkedIn Premium Members with useArtemis

Now that we have seen how to identify LinkedIn premium members on a Sales Navigator or standard LinkedIn search, you might be wondering how to automate the extraction of LinkedIn premium members.

So, let's see how to extract results from a LinkedIn search with useArtemis and then filter out members with a premium subscription in bulk.

  • To start, you need an useArtemis account.
  • Once registered, you will need to install the Chrome extension. This is what will allow us to export a LinkedIn search.
  • We will now make a search on LinkedIn, or Sales Navigator (the operation is identical for both platforms).
click on the useArtemis Chrome extension to launch it
  • Then click on the useArtemis Chrome extension to launch it. You will then be asked to indicate the number of result pages you want to import.

    Generally, we recommend not exporting more than 50 pages at a time.
  • Then click on the "Import results from pages X to X" button.
  • Go to useArtemis next to follow the progress of the scraping.
  • Click on the list that corresponds to the members you just scraped on LinkedIn.
how to know if someone has linkedin premium
  • And there you go! In the "isPremium" column, an indicator appears telling you whether the member is premium or not.

It is then possible to export this list in CSV format, enrich it with email addresses, or launch an automated prospecting campaign.

How to Automatically Find Emails of LinkedIn Premium Members?

Now that we have our list, it will only take one more click to find the email addresses of our leads.

To do this, go back to useArtemis and open our list.
At the top of the screen is a "Find emails" button, which, as its name suggests, is used to find emails.

Note: Emails are generally only found when the company name is present.

Emails are generally only found when the company name is present.

And a few moments later, when the enrichment is completed, the verified email addresses of your leads will appear in the email column.

email finder useartemis

Incredible, isn't it?

And what if I told you that useArtemis also allows you to automatically contact prospects who have a LinkedIn premium subscription via emails and LinkedIn?

Automatically Contacting Hundreds of LinkedIn Premium Members with useArtemis

This time, it takes place in the "Campaigns" tab.

launch a campaign on useArtemis

We are going to create a campaign that will automatically send a LinkedIn invitation and then a prospecting email to premium members.

Click on "New campaign", then select the first template.

prospecting automation template useArtemis

We will slightly modify this sequence so that it only targets premium members.

Here we have added a "Rule" step that allows us to filter leads and only target those who have the "isPremium" tag with the value "true".

Then all you have to do is click on the edit buttons to personalize your email and possibly add a message to your LinkedIn invitation.

10x LinkedIn Outbound with AI-Personalized Hooks & Replies

Extract and contact leads automatically on Linkedin and Emails with useArtemis.