
AI for Sales Prospecting: 7 tools that will 10x your outreach

January 20, 20249 min read
Samuel Rondot

Samuel Rondot

Founder @ useArtemis
ai for sales prospecting

If you're in sales, you know how crucial prospecting is. It's that painstaking task of sifting through leads to find potential customers, commonly known as prospects. But in the digital era, doing this manually can seem like an uphill task, right?

Fear not because AI is here to revolutionize the game. Welcome to the fascinating world of AI for sales prospecting.

But, what exactly is AI for sales prospecting? You may wonder. It's the use of advanced algorithms, machine learning, and other AI technologies to automate and streamline the process of identifying and engaging potential customers.

AI will probably most likely lead to the end of the world, but in the meantime, there'll be great companies.
- Sam Altman

In this article we will show you 7 tools that will help you to scale your sales prospecting using AI.

1. UseArtemis : Automate your Sales prospecting at scale

useartemis landing page

UseArtemis is a tool that allows you to scrape leads from LinkedIn and Sales navigator, find emails and then initiate automated sequences to reach out to your leads. This involves sending LinkedIn invitations, visiting LinkedIn profiles, sending Linkedin messages, emails and subsequent follow-ups too.

But here's where UseArtemis really departs from the ordinary. It takes personalization to an entirely new level with its AI capabilities.

Instead of just using the basic variables like {firstname}, UseArtemis's AI is equipped to compose an ultra-personalized invitation for each and every lead.

UseArtemis reviews :

4.6/5 on G2 with 200+ reviews

4.8/ on Capterra with 150+ reviews

4.9 on the Chrome web store with 500 reviews

UseArtemis Pricing:

The first plan starts at $99 per month and comes with :

  • 2k enrichment credits
  • Multiple senders
  • Send unlimited emails
  • LinkedIn automation
  • 4 running campaign
  • AI campaign and icebreakers

UseArtemis offers a 14-day free trial to test the service.

2. BreakReach: Automate your personal brand with AI

AI ghost writer, breakreach landing page

BreakReach is an exceptional resource that simplifies the creation of engaging content for Twitter and LinkedIn, thanks to AI. It's particularly beneficial for CEOs and entrepreneurs who strive to amplify their personal brand.

The training ground for their AI includes thousands of viral Tweets and LinkedIn posts. Supply it with examples of publications you enjoy, and voila! BreakReach is geared up to offer an extensive range of remarkable post ideas, crafted just for you.

What's more? BreakReach is fitted with capabilities to generate illustrations for your LinkedIn and Twitter posts, conceive LinkedIn carousels, and even automate your Twitter interaction with your chosen lists. An all-in-one solution, indeed!

BreakReach Pricing:

The first plan starts at $29 per month and comes with :

  • 50k words per month
  • Content Inspiration
  • Generate threads
  • Generate Tweets
  • Generate Ideas
  • Generate Posts
  • Generate Illustrations
  • Generate Carousels
  • Post Styling
  • Scheduling

3. Clay : Enrich your leads

clay homepage

Familiar with the idea of lead enrichment? It’s when you take a lead, perhaps a name or an email, and flesh it out into a full profile, gathering data like social media handles, job titles, or other contact information. The goal is to give you a more holistic understanding of your prospects to better tailor your outreach.

Clay is a stellar AI tool for sales prospecting that can certainly kick your sales prospecting endeavers up a notch. Its primary function? Lead enrichment. In a world where data equates to better chances of success, having an AI-powered tool like Clay can be a real game-changer.

Imagine having the ability to not just acquire bare minimum information about your leads, but also gather a treasure trove of additional data that can empower your sales team.  By using AI, Clay can supercharge your sales prospecting efforts by doing this exact job in a seamless manner. You feed your lead details to Clay, and voila, you're flooded with richer details about your prospects.

What's even more convenient is that Clay plugs directly into your CRM, any collected data enriches the profiles of your leads and prospects automatically, enhancing the efficiency of your sales team. Sales representatives can then make use of this enriched information to craft personalised sales pitches that resonate better with the prospect, thereby potentially increasing the chances of closing the deal.

Clay Pricing:

The first plan starts at $149 per month and comes with :

  • Unlimited users
  • Export to CSV
  • Create Unlimited Tables
  • Use Your Own API Keys
  • Up to 2,500 per people/company search

Clay reviews :

4.9/5 on G2 with 120+ reviews

4. Voiceflow : Build powerful AI chatbots

voiceflow homepage

Imagine a prospecting tool that never sleeps; an AI-driven system that, with a few simple instructions, can handle a significant part of your sales funnel. That's precisely what Voiceflow offers. This platform enables you to design and implement dynamic AI chatbots capable of understanding and responding to a wide variety of customer inquiries, increasing your prospecting efficiency dramatically.

This platform is not just your average chatbot tool. It uses advanced widgets, conditional logic, and integrated APIs, paving the road for highly interactive and personalized conversations with your prospects.

No longer will your prospects feel they are interacting with a non-human entity; Voiceflow bots are designed to provide the customer experience that reflects the human touch, increasing the chances of converting prospects into clients.

But that's not all. Voiceflow also offers conversation analytics ? a crucial feature that helps you understand areas of improvement by drawing insights from your conversation data. This allows you to fine-tune your sales strategies, providing a much-needed edge in this competitive world of sales.

Thus, for anyone looking to leverage AI's power to boost their prospecting endeavors, Voiceflow offers a combination of automated communication, personalized customer interaction, and critical insights that can be vital to your sales success.

Voiceflow Pricing:

The first plan starts at $50 per month and comes with :

  • Single Editor
  • 200 knowledge base sources per agent
  • 20 agents
  • 1M monthly AI tokens (additional tokens: $5/1M)
  • Logic, Code, API blocks
  • Exports (PDF, CSV, JSON)
  • Password prototypes
  • Custom agent branding
  • Billing support

Voiceflow reviews :

4.5/5 on G2 with 3 reviews

5. Tavus : Personalize your 1 to 1 video at scale

tavus homepage

If you're looking to forge stronger, more personalized connections with your prospects, Tavus might just be the solution you need. This AI tool harnesses the power of video to transform your sales prospecting processes in ways you've likely never imagined.

Just ponder this for a moment: what if you could scale up your sales prospecting efforts without losing that personal touch that's so vital to building trust? That, in a nutshell, is what Tavus allows for. The AI learns your tone, your style, and your phraseology, then generates 1-to-1 personalized video content tailored to each individual prospect.

With the use of Tavus, record your video only once and have it personalized limitless times for your upcoming prospects by incorporating varying elements such as first names, job titles, and more.

Their AI can impeccably emulate your voice and adapt it with the correct variables for a personalized touch.

What's more, Tavus provides real-time analytics on video watch metrics — open rates, views, click-throughs. Indispensable tools in understanding your prospect's response, adjusting your strategy, and ultimately closing more deals.

In the crowded field of sales prospecting tools, Tavus stands out because it's not just about scale — it's about authenticity, personal touch, and engagement at scale. And that's a true game-changer.

Tavus Pricing:

Tavus has only 1 pricing plan called "Enterprise", the price is undisclosed on their landing page and it comes with :

  • Unlimited Users and AI models
  • Volume Discounts and Custom Quantity of Tavus Generated Videos
  • Enterprise Grade Support, whiteglove onboarding, and/or dedicated slack channel
  • Priority generation queues and faster video generation time
  • API Access and native integrations
  • Higher quality videos, and advanced video quality assurance
  • Dynamically generated video backgrounds
  • Access to core features.

6.  - analyze sales calls, meetings, and emails

Introducing, a one-stop solution using AI to scale your sales efforts. You might be wondering, 'What does bring to the table?' Well, gird yourselves for an impressive journey into AI-assisted sales prospecting. leverages AI to analyze sales calls, meetings, and emails, bringing you real-time insights like never before. This helps in understanding what tactics are working and what needs a re-look. Imagine having your own personal sales coach, ready to give you detailed feedback on each interaction with your prospects - that's what provides.

What's even better, isn't just limited to sales teams. It also caters to sales leaders, enabling them to make data-driven decisions instead of going by gut feeling alone. What this means for you is a more strategic approach to sales prospecting, with the added advantage of AI's speed and accuracy.

You might be thinking, 'This sounds too good to be true. Surely, there must be a catch?' Fear not. The data insights provided by are easy to understand and actionable, eliminating any 'analysis paralysis' that might come your way. So, you get the right insights at the right time, enabling you to quickly respond to your prospects and close deals more efficiently.

If you're eager to sharpen your sales prospecting game, is definitely worth consideration. The potent combination of AI and data-driven insights might just be the edge you need to outperform your competitors. Pricing:'s pricing is undisclosed and depends on your team, your goal etc. reviews :

4.7/5 on G2 with 5k+ reviews


humanlinker review

Ever thought about linking human intuition with artificial intelligence for sales prospecting? Well, now you can with Offering a unique combination of AI and people analytics, it equips sales reps with insightful data to fine-tune their approach and close deals efficiently.

A frontrunner in predictive selling, Humanlinker advocates for a fine balance of human contact and machine intelligence in sales. It provides you with refined, AI-powered insights into buyer behavior, but it also values the unquantifiable interpersonal skills only humans can bring to the table in sales negotiations. The platform uses artificial intelligence to streamline prospecting workflows, making it easier for you to identify, reach out to, and nurture potential leads.

So what can this mean for you as a sales agent? Personalized prospecting. Humanlinker's AI uses data to indicate ideal outreach times, suggests conversation starters based on lead's interests, and even predicts potential objections from leads. By integrating sales data from multiple sources, it creates a holistic view of each prospect, ultimately enabling you to tailor your selling approach with exceptional accuracy.

Beyond individual prospecting, Humanlinker's advanced analytics can also provide you with market trends and competitive insights. This means you are not only better equipped for every single sale, but also strategically placed to adapt and succeed in an ever-changing market environment. Isn't that what every salesperson dreams of?

Humanlinker Pricing:

The first plan starts at $31 per month and comes with :

  • Unlimited Credits
  • AI Sequence Builder
    (manual sending)
  • Email Finder (50/month)

Humanlinker reviews :

4.0/5 on G2 with 2 reviews

AI vs Human: Comparing Traditional and AI-Driven Sales Prospecting

You might be asking yourself, "What really differentiates traditional sales prospecting from AI-driven sales prospecting?"

To answer this question, let's delve into the nuances of both approaches.

In a traditional setting, sales prospecting encompasses repetitive tasks done manually by a sales team. This includes researching leads, reaching out, following up, and nurturing relationships. Although this method allows direct human contact, it's time-consuming and prone to human error. That's where AI comes in.

AI-driven sales prospecting is a game changer. 60% of sales teams increased their efficiency by using AI. The technology takes care of repetitive tasks, enabling your sales team to focus on forging deeper relationships. Besides automating tasks, another major advantage of AI is the ability to analyze huge amounts of data in seconds, providing accurate insights for effective prospecting. This reduces the possibility of human error making sales prospecting more efficient and accurate.

Also, in contrast to the traditional method, AI systems are capable of learning and improving over time. They not only learn from the data they are trained on, but also from interactions and the feedback received. This continuous learning process results in ever-improving accuracy and efficiency.

In summary, while traditional prospecting relies heavily on the manual labor of your sales team, AI-driven prospecting automates tasks, analyzes data swiftly, learns continuously, and gives your team the headroom to focus on what truly matters: Building relationships with customers.

Artificial Intelligence is the new electricity
- Andrew Ng

Now, it's time to make a strategic choice. Both methods have their unique strengths. By integrating AI into your traditional sales prospecting processes, you can create a balanced blend that suits your specific needs and goals.

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